The customer is almost always annoying

By minimoonpie - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I was serving an incredibly rude woman at work. The ladder I had used to get her two pairs of shoes came crashing down, and hit my face and neck. She only bought one pair, and ten minutes later returned them after, complaining they were too expensive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 461
You deserved it 2 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doncha just wish you could take an AK to all rude people? I do...

Two words: worker's comp. You can't do much about dealing with rude, cheap bitches like her unless you quit customer service completely, but I hope if that ladder hurt you, you get medical attention and make sure your employer knows it happened at work. I'd have been tempted to use the shoes she returned to beat her senseless until she was begging for mercy out of my pain and frustration. Guess I'm bitchy when I'm in pain.


Doncha just wish you could take an AK to all rude people? I do...

It's a shame that where the OP lives they can't even have a paintball marker without a good reason, and anything semi-auto is extremely hard to come by.

1- well at least we know who will carry out the next rampage...

Where I'm from, AK-47s are now called choppers! Damn you, lil Jon!!!

FYLinAmajorWay 1

Wait if she only bought one pair, how'd she return the second pair 10 minutes later?

nancy520xd 0

If she only bought one pair then how'd she return the second pair ten mins later?

Honestly, if someone went to all that trouble, I'd buy them just to save their feelings... Then sell the shoes on Craigslist.

I agree with you, but I don't feel like the rude woman necessarily HAD to buy anything so I didn't feel like she did anything wrong by buying only one pair. However, being rude and then changing your mind later is quite unfair.

Two words: worker's comp. You can't do much about dealing with rude, cheap bitches like her unless you quit customer service completely, but I hope if that ladder hurt you, you get medical attention and make sure your employer knows it happened at work. I'd have been tempted to use the shoes she returned to beat her senseless until she was begging for mercy out of my pain and frustration. Guess I'm bitchy when I'm in pain.

It'd be interesting to see what the Workers Comp laws are where the OP lives. But if it's anything like Pennsylvania then you'd have to be injured enough to miss work for more than a few days.

I have no idea what NSW Australia is like in terms of worker's comp specifically, but I'm hoping they have at least some form of coverage if you're hurt at work. Having a ladder fall on your head, especially your neck, could cause problems you don't even feel right away. But you need to document it now and tell your boss you think you injured yourself at work & what the situation was. If you're even bruised, better safe than sorry, because if you don't speak up, the ins. co. will deny, deny, deny, and you'll be paying out of pocket for any medical care. And working in customer service and putting up with what you do on a daily basis, you deserve coverage if you've been hurt, esp. if it was because of a shitty ladder you have to use.

I'll just thumbs you up because I really hate reading long comments.

I'll just thumbs you up because I really hate reading long comments.

I'll just thumbs you up because I really hate reading long comments.

I'll just thumbs you up because I really hate reading long comments.

nancy520xd 0

How'd she return the second pair if she only bought one pair?

MissBBGoodGirl 0

It's never fun dealing with rude customers, they think they're entitled to everything. If only that ladder would have hit her instead!

TraceCase_ 19

No way! Sure she might deserve to get smacked in the face with a ladder, but she sounds like just the type to make a big stink and sue the crap out of everyone involved (she could win too!) and she doesn't deserve a dime for being a rude bitch.

chickunkey 0

Hmm, well then... I wish her car would break down, her plumbing would break, her electricity would cut out, and she would get laid off. Too far? Perhaps :)

Slap her in the face with the shoes, and tell her that her personality was too expensive

Then again... What exactly made you assume she was going to buy stuff? The fact that she was rude? Or because she wanted to try on some shoes? Or because a ladder smacked you in the head? Idk, but over here it's fairly common not to buy anything after trying stuff on if it doesn't look right / fit. Granted, it's annoying that she bought a pair and returned it later while bitching about it... So fyl for that.

Sadly you gotta live by the rule "the customer's always right". Good luck.

I'm glad I work in a job where this 'rule' doesn't apply.. The customers are frequently wrong and we have to tell them they are :) I love my job :p

a_nutritionist 10

@15 thats not a rule, its a guideline. guidelines can be broken.