By joser6969 - 29/10/2011 14:07 - United States

Today, I locked myself out of my own shop. And I'm a locksmith. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 959
You deserved it 11 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Isn't that your speciality? To unlock locked things?

he obviously can't unlock himself without tools

iAmScrubs 19

If the mathematical equation, fail x fail, does not equal win, my theory of falling down the stairs and then following down again is totally flawed. I guess I'll just go jump off a cliff twice now, since I know that it will still be a fail.

iAmScrubs 19

God. I said following down. I'm an idiot. It took my a long time to write that too and it was all for nothing. I can't even say the same thing again to make it a win.

He should not look at this situation as a problem, but as a challenge.

Why is number 1 getting voted down? He's right. If OP's a locksmith, he should have the skills to unlock his own door. This includes know which tools to purchase if needed.

nero9112 4

The problem is not that he cannot find a solution to his mistake but that he made a mistake in the first place.

iAmScrubs 19

31- It's because his original comment was "First!" to secure the top spot. Then he edited it to something slightly less obnoxious.

No one is saying it's not an FML, it sucks, but it would be worst if this event happened to someone that didn't know how to solve the problem. He does. (or I hope he does) (:

Don't be bitch. Grab a bobby pin and a Uni-Ball pen for a tension wrench, an pick that shit like a boss!

Clips work pretty well too, just twist them a little to get an "m" form, and you got yourself a lockpick

All the people saying he can still get in- how? With his bare hands? He's a locksmith. Not Jesus Christ.

I don't think we have to point out this is very ironic.

JinxosGirl87 0
Uraharas_Bankai 1

On the upside, OP knows that they're good at their job if it's that hard to get back in their store.

jackrileymac 4

Shouldn't be any trouble getting back in.

blackheart24 10

Not really. This is more of a palm to face moment.

I don't see the awkwardness. Irony, however, I do see.

je_suis_fml 11

Everything isn't ******* awkward, ok kiddies?! Enough with the trends. Try expanding on originality... just a smidgen. :-)

ReesesPuffs 0

2- That awkward moment when you say something's awkward when it's not.

do you really think you deserve the title of locksmith anymore?

I bet it was slightly awkward when he had to call a competitor locksmith to unlock his shop...

Just do a demonstration on how you do your job

thrAsHeRr9081 16

It smells like victory! Wait...

Mister_Triangle 21

More like "iron KEY", amirite?

Smokingweenies 3

This is a very good example of situational irony. So what would OP say to the locksmith if he had to call one? Haha.

kleider1 9
Zeek63 0

Op should use Siri like inn the comercial!

Gloritank 8

This will be funny explaining to the other lock smith you call to open it. Lol

qhostred 0

Now someone's fml would be,"Today, someone called me to pick their lock for them.Turns out, he was a locksmith."

It's a FML to the other person I guess lol

FMLsOhilarious 6

No it wouldn't. And it would be more of a post for NotAlwaysRight

Why would that be a FML? They get paid for doing that...

yodas0da 12

That is the definition of irony right there

My thoughts exactly! It's beautiful, actually. :) Op, don't sweat it too much. I know it's terribly embarrassing, but you're still human. Mistakes happen. Hopefully this experience is humbling and you'll remember to sympathize with your customers (even the truly idiotic).