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By Ian Artis - 12/07/2012 18:28 - United States

Today, I walked too close to a first-aid kit sticking out of a wall at work, and it cut my arm. Laughing at the irony, I opened it to get a band aid out. It was empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 871
You deserved it 2 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe the other guy who ran into it took the last bandaid

That's when you rip off a strap of materiel from your shirt and make your own bandage. You then go home and get some vodka on that shit, wouldn't want a nasty little ****** of an infection to show up. Down the rest of it like Hulk Hogan downs raw eggs and then wrap the little bitch of a cut in ******* nettles. Can you feel that pain OP? That's it working it's hardcore shit.


GemmaStyles 14

Karma for what? Laughing at himself for cutting his arm?

You cut your arm, FYL... Op needs to put on his big boy boxers and quit bitching.

Wow.. Someone needs to learn what Karma means.

I think he means karma for something else before the FML that we don't know about.

Keliosan 6

8- He didn't bitch about anything...he laughed off the cut on his arm and was just looking to over it with a band aid... As tough as you think you are open wounds don't make you a man. So save that bullshit for your most likely douchey friends.

DreBeezy 9

Sweet, sweet irony. Playing the cruelest of jokes since the universe began.

If a bandaid was all it took, why is this an FML?

I thought this was a place people told about how their life was ruined, not somewhere to whine about a small scratch on your arm. Go cry to your mom

I think (for the most part) a requirement for the first comment must be useless or moronic. Congratulations, #1 you got them both.

No not really he wasnt gonna knife it or something its just bad luck

MagicGiraffe 12

Irony, the original troll.

This calls for workers comp and. lawsuit...

and a lawsuit*, sometimes using a softkeyboard is painful. T.T

robinhood007 9

More like sucks to be you. I'd figure with joker in your name you could come up with a funny comment for the rest of us to read and enjoy, guess not.

KiddNYC1O 20

Failed attempt at first comment.

robinhood007 9

40 - so glad you picked up on that.

gmc_blossom 21

No, no. I'm sure it is amazing being him. Really.

maybe the other guy who ran into it took the last bandaid

You should probably ask someone about that, those things are supposed to be filled at all times unless in use. Other than that, lady luck can be a bitch sometimes

Then you probably weren't the first to do that ._. It's okay OP, you're not alone.

I highly doubt that exact situation happened to someone previously.

robinhood007 9

Why not? If it happened to OP it could happen to someone else. Who knows though, I definitely don't and I doubt you do either.

OBVIOUSLY he wasn't the first to do that, or it wouldn't have been empty...

MeLikesDigBicks 5

This is why first aid kits should be kept on shelves.

I've been to a lot of workplaces where there are no shelves for them, so they put them on posts, where they end up sticking out.

Both factories I've worked in kept them all mounted on the wall do that they're readily visible and can't get misplaced. If you just keep it on a shelf, people don't put them back all the time.

unknown_user5566 26

Now you know you should probably give yourself more than a few inches of distance between yourself and the wall when walking. Lesson learned.

Trix_Disorder 20

Not bouncing off of doorframes and walls is hard for me. It's like I don't know how much space I take up. I feel OP's pain.

Sounds like the first aid kit was more of a safety hazard than it was a safety kit

That's when you rip off a strap of materiel from your shirt and make your own bandage. You then go home and get some vodka on that shit, wouldn't want a nasty little ****** of an infection to show up. Down the rest of it like Hulk Hogan downs raw eggs and then wrap the little bitch of a cut in ******* nettles. Can you feel that pain OP? That's it working it's hardcore shit.

Judging by the wording of the FML, I think it's safe to assume that it's a small cut. You don't need to tear your shirt for a small cut.

robinhood007 9

Judging by the entire comment, I'm going to assume they were joking.

BradTheBrony 19

Why do you have to comment at all?

Swearing makes it seem more commanding. I mean to cause no offense #89.