Rummaging around in my stuff

By Chesty Larue - 07/08/2015 00:29 - United States

Today, I got fired from my part-time job, because I insisted on keeping my phone in my pocket and never using it, instead of putting it in locker without a lock or security camera, that anyone can go through. The manager found out by searching my locker for the past 3 weeks. Ironic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 534
You deserved it 2 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But how can they fire you for having your phone with you? Isn't there also a law or something that says work places must have a secure (locked), clean place for personal belongings? Damn, fyl op


They must have wanted to steal your phone.

Iwannarock1 19

Could of said you left it in your car? At home? How did he prove it was in your pocket?

No. Joseph Stalin would have killed him. I wanna say he's a close relative.

A locker without a lock is really just a cupboard of sorts isn't it?

But how can they fire you for having your phone with you? Isn't there also a law or something that says work places must have a secure (locked), clean place for personal belongings? Damn, fyl op

#3 no, there isn't. You're responsible for your own belongings, and if a phone isn't allowed don't bring it. Leave it home or in your car.

And if there some kind of emergency and you didn't have your phone? I don't see the problem with having your phone in your pocket as long as you're not using it. Anyone could break into a car and some people may have somewhere important to be after work.

But they also don't allow use of that landline for personal business. My mom's work is hesitant about allowing even emergency calls. They don't do it at all for new employees. My mom can only because she's worked there for 27 years.

BlockOfRedStone 25

@46 I second that, my work place has a land line but it's for business calls. I don't see the problem with keeping a phone in my pocket if it doesn't interrupt my work (because I won't use it while working) and it's more convenient for emergency calls. And obviously it's gonna be muted and even Vibrate will be off.

meggieeeee92 27

I'm just wondering where the OP works where they don't feel comfortable leaving their belongings without fear of someone coming and taking it. I leave my purse with my wallet, keys, phone, everything in a locker at work without a lock and don't feel like one of my coworkers is going to come along and steal my things. That's really shitty to not be able to trust people you work with :/

71- I work at a grocery store with over 100 employees. I don't even know half of my coworkers and I sure as **** don't trust them. I had my wallet stolen out of my bag once and despite there being security cameras somehow they couldn't figure out who did it. So I always keep my phone and wallet on me while working, even though we're not allowed to, because I'll be damned if I'm going to let someone steal my stuff again. Not all workplaces are a friendly, close knit group that you can trust.

Actually yes. In a medical facility you are not allowed to have a phone out with you because you could photograph private medical records

Yes because you're obviously going to take pictures of customers or coworkers

Is... is that the first thing that comes to mind when talking about smartphones at work? Taking pictures of people? I thought it would be more in terms of it being "unprofessional" if your phone rang while you're with the customers. That seemed like the prime concern to me... is that not what we use them for anymore?

Well in most work places you sign an agreement that you won't take any pictures or videos inside the buisness. Its to protect them from the press and such.

juturnaamo 29

If he works with customers, making copies of credit cards could be the concern. Throw it on video mode, set it next to the register, you can get the number and security code for every card customers use.

Wow... You guys must have some crazy stuff going on where you work... At my job the only reason we're not allowed to have our phones on us is because some people text their friends instead of helping customers. I've never heard of it being a security breach to take a picture or of anyone recording people's credit card numbers :/

I don't think telling someone who is using their phone to get credit card numbers is going to listen to a policy that won't let you have your phone on you.

That's bullshit... I don't understand why you would have to keep it in a locker in the first place if they knew you weren't using it.

I understand the security issues that come with camera phones, but the issue of messing up equipment could be addressed just as easily by turning it off.

They probably couldn't trust everyone to keep them off, though.

Turning it off would mean that you wouldn't receive any calls in case of an "emergency." It's better to have them on and secured away in that situation

It's probably best that you weren't there anyway

How does not having a phone in a locker mean it's in your pocket? The phone could be anywhere. You basically got fired for not having a stealable possession. Be glad you're free from this shitty job and that you still have your phone..

What a dumb rule, hopefully you can find full time employment.

1dvs_bstd 41

What kind of company did you work for? Does the phone signal interfere with it? Did your former boss do locker checks for everyone or were you a specific target? After he didn't see your phone for the first time, did he warn you or ask you about it?

Aah...the joys of workplace rules and at will employment. Well, you could still sue for trespass if the locker was specifically assigned to you and he searched without permission. Unless of course your employment agreement allows him to do so.