All the FMLs

themysteriousfox tells us more.

OP here.. What happened was it was a family party and my boyfriend got so insanely drunk me, him, and his sister decided to walk home. His sister decided to wander off in the opposite direction and he kept walking towards his house prompting me to stop in the middle and shout at him to wait so I could get his younger sister. Then he got mad and told me to go away and locked me out. He couldn't even remember anything that happened the next day apologized profusely. I managed to get inside because his aunt found me standing outside getting ready to climb the fence into their driveway and knock on the door and brought me back to her house. I should have probably had a backup if something like this were to happen but live and learn I guess. I'm only 19 so as far as experiences go I'm still a beginner. Other than that my visits been great at least!

azouwa tells us more.

azouwa 26

There's nothing wrong with going to a senior graduation to figure out who just turned 18!! lol, Nah. seriously, a few girls and I were working on an assignment, and them, being 20, only wanted to discuss fornication. So I told a few stories, and when jaws dropped, I went back to work on the paper we're writing. (I'm female btw).

KillerChipmunk tells us more.

Hey OP here! I really really hate elevators, but we were on the 9th floor of our hotel, so that's a lot of stairs to do in cosplay (I was at a con). The elevator wasn't too bad actually but this happening set me back a bit. I reported it to the front desk as soon as I had calmed down, and security walked me back up. In the morning, they came back to take my full statement so they could file a proper police report. For the rest of the weekend, I was carrying my pepper spray and had my phone camera ready to take pictures if I saw them again. Thankfully I didn't.

pinkpanther61789 tells us more.

pinkpanther61789 15

Damn, I didn't expect this to get posted at all. For starters, I am half Jewish and look like a version of Anne Frank with frizzier hair and a broken nose. As for the whole situation, with a liquidation sale, there are absolutely no returns or exchanges of any kind at the location I work at. The "customers" I was serving were a foul mouthed, belligerent couple who are the kinds of people that make you hate people. They had at least $500 worth of returns that we could not process and despite myself, my department manager, and the store manager explaining that they could not return items at this location because of the liquidation status, they still remained belligerent and hell bent on not driving a half hour to the nearest alternate location, and after I politely apologized and explained that they could go to the next available location which would promptly give them a refund, the **** of a wife spat "well you can just promptly go back to Auchwitz" and then the dick of a husband joined in and repeated the aforementioned statement, which then prompted an old man at the register next to mine to chime in with his antisemitic comments. This resulted with mall security being called and having to escort the belligerent couple and the old man off the premises.

LikeLegitness tells us more.

Hey guys this is the OP here. I just wanted to give a little more background and clear some stuff up. So I didn't have the job for very long but it was something that I've been wanting to do for a long time which is working with animals. During my short period of time there I barely talked to my co-workers because there was just too much work to do and not enough time to do it. But when I did have some time to spare I would casually talk to them. I could tell they didn't love me but I thought it was just because I was new but they didn't seem to hate me either because they were nice enough to my face. My manager just told me people were making comments about me and how I worked and I wished that they came to me instead of just getting rid of me. I was a bit shocked to say the least and was very upset but it is what it is and I'm moving on. Thanks for reading and for posting my first FML.

Tarlachia tells us more.

Yay! My second published FML! Anyway, I'm not entirely sure if the woman was running on all cylinders. Nevertheless, it's worthy of a good laugh, enough to the point of straining my sides from laughing so hard. It made my day. Love the puns, y'all. Don't let 'em fall through the holes of life!

By sue - 31/05/2017 00:00

I agree, your life sucks 2 675
You deserved it 297