All the FMLs

Saxicolous tells us more.

Also, (not enough room to mention this in the FML) it wasn't a casual phone call, she was having a very heated (and obviously fake I realized afterwards) argument with some guy about how she was or was not just at some restaurant with another guy. She was screaming and cussing, the whole shabang! It was, in hindsight, a very effective distraction

wrock84 tells us more.

wrock84 20

For the record i am a mechanic, but when the caliper bolt snaps on one car and a caliper is seized on another with no way to get replacement parts until next day, no amount of skill/knowledge will help. Cant pull parts out of my ass

1942Ford tells us more.

OP here - can't believe this got published! I kept the second nasty shake down and survived the scan, only to have cramps and diarrhea the whole rest of the day. I really know how to party on a Saturday, don't I? They did the scan because I've been having abdominal pain. Should have the results next week, hope it turns out to be nothing!

DeadLily tells us more.

Lmao. OP here. I have had sex while my husband or myself being on the phone. It's just really embarrassing when it happens around other family members since I don't see them often. Now being both of us are gamers, our friends hear it all the time through teamspeak. And the jokes never cease. Anyways. I don't even get pleasure out of it, it's just a reflex. Also! Thanks for the comments! You guys are great!