All the FMLs

readytograduate tells us more.

For those who were wondering, I had no idea I was allergic to the paint beforehand, but with four layers of foundation the red splotches on my face were almost completely gone. I wasn't able to completely hide the ones on my arms so I wore a sweater with my dress. And thank you for all of the congratulations! Only a couple days left!

SorrowsReward tells us more.

hey FML legends! OP here. It's true. I fell asleep on my classroom floor... It's a beautiful classroom (which I keep very clean #26) and there are three steps going up onto a carpeted platform which was the scene of this particular crime... It wasn't a particularly comfortable nap, but I hardly noticed at the time. And it certainly was worth it - even considering the slightly-above-average levels of embarrassment I endured for it - I was so tired I was in that state that everything was funny except for my actual existence, which isn't exactly the best mindset to be mounding young minds from... I really should stop burning the candle from both ends! It's an all-girls school, and word spread pretty quickly... but luckily for me I was already regarded as the eccentric music teacher, so sleeping in my empty classroom during a free period is pretty tame in comparison to the things they probably expect from me ?

chocolateteacup tells us more.

chocolateteacup 25

Hi Guys! OP here :) Thanks so much for your kind comments. I really appreciate it. I had only met her about 3 weeks before the incident and we only hung out once or so. Actually, she wasn't apologetic about it, nor was she grateful. It was almost as though she expected me to take her there... Or perhaps she was just embarrassed.

SuperWhoMarvLock tells us more.

Hey, OP here! I'm a girl and a senior in high school. My physics class of 10 had planned a hike to enjoy the warm weather when this happened. Considering how hot it was, I wasn't as bothered as I could've been. The ironic part was how I had stated earlier "If anyone's going to trip and fall off the trail, it's going to be me" as I know myself to be clumsy. Boy, was I right. Everyone did get in a few good laughs, including myself and my teacher. He didn't even look surprised haha. It was definitely uncomfortable hiking back with my soaked jeans and long-sleeved shirt, but I was over it almost instantly and can laugh about it now. Graduation is in a couple of weeks, and I'm glad I'm able to take such hilarious memories with me! Thanks for all the nice and funny comments. :)

arianelagolden tells us more.

All is well that ends well. Of course I chose to save the kid! Seriously! First I got my grand-son off the table, then I caught the rabbit on time, then I told the kids they could not do what they had done. When the parents returned, they told me this happens all the time. As there is a huge dog in the neighbours' yard, I don't think the rabbit will last long if they are not more careful.

IHateMyself124 tells us more.

IHateMyself124 23

Hello everyone, So to clear some things up: 1. I am a Freshman in college (18 years old). 2. I only added him on Facebook the night we kissed and he DID accept. 3. He was the first one to message me actually. He asked me to food that same night, but I was already in bed. Then he asked me to lunch the next day but I had already eaten, so I invited him to dinner with me and my friends instead but he declined. 4. Then (this is the first time I messaged him first) I took the initiative and asked him to grab a snack with me the next night, which was the most casual of the four food proposals thus far, and he blocked me on Facebook. 5. I'm not exactly sure why he blocked me. I did not stalk him. I did not message him a whole bunch of times. I did not make any statuses about the kiss. I'm not even going to be attending the same university as him next semester because I'm transferring out for my major. He knew that. 6. I do not think I was a bad kisser because he tried to meet up with me again the same night. The whole thing was just confusing. I think he maybe got nervous or scared or spoken to by some "well-meaning" friends or something. I just would have been less hurt had he simply unfriended me or ignored my message. My confidence definitely took a hit. 7. Despite the hurtfulness of his actions, I do not regret the kiss. It was a really nice kiss. And the actual story from the night of is pretty funny. Sorry for the long message! Hope that cleared some things up though!

sakurabloom tells us more.

OP here. for all you saying i need to disipline my daughter, believe me i have. I made her appologise to my guests, her computer is taken away and she is grounded for two weeks. the poignancy of the FML would have been lost if i included that part along with the post being too long.