All the FMLs

soni_miller tells us more.

Hey guys! I'm OP, I just didn't log in to give the FML. At the end of October, my iPad accidentally fell on my big toe, affecting my nail and the skin around it. It still didn't heal and yesterday it started chipping and peeling off. It actually didn't hurt when it did. But DO NOT EVER DROP YOUR IPAD ON YOUR TOE BECAUSE IT WILL HURT SO BAD.

miss_strauss tells us more.

OP here. I had cooked a dinner in a sort of celebration of our first night living together, and he offered to do the dishes afterwards. I happily agreed and asked him to leave the skillet for me because it requires extra TLC. When I woke up and found it this morning, I went to work making sure there wasn't too much damage done, and he was horrified when realized what he did. I couldn't be mad at him, because he was only trying to help. Also, for those wondering about why I've kept a skillet for this long. I'm only 23, but it was my grandmothers and then my dad inherited it when she passed away. He passed it on to me when I went to college and got my own apartment. Cast iron, if maintained and loved properly, can be the best tool of a good kitchen and can last forever. It's really not strange to small town southerners to have cast iron pans that are older than them:P

LordBubbleWrap tells us more.

OP here. yeah i flew into a fit of rage which resulted in angry snow shoveling. I get that the airlines were busy but being hung up on by microsoft Sam was just to much.

Pandafriend tells us more.

Op here! This is my first FML and I'm happy it got posted :) To answer some of your questions. How does a sunroof get stolen? I have no idea, but these Mexican thieves tend to be very creative, and quite handy by the looks of it. I guess they stole it because it's an expensive car piece, but the jokes on them because it has a serial number and technically if they try to sell it they could go to jail (if the correct laws were to be applied). But maybe they just sell it as scrap glass. And on the bright side I'm really glad they only stole the sunroof and not the whole car, and they didn't take anything from inside either, I was worried they might have taken any car papers but luckily they didn't. And the reason why I haven't gone out in such a long time, is because I didn't use to enjoy it, every time I went out I didn't have any fun, and also I find it very hard to maintain a conversation with friends let alone a stranger, and I like staying at home reading or here in FML. I was actually amazed about the fun I had. But if I go out more often now, I'm making a note to myself to never park in the street and always leave it with a valet parking.( Although a valet parking once stole my spare tire, but I didn't notice until I needed it, much after).