All the FMLs

luvmypony tells us more.

I can't give discounts on something so cheap. company policy

justash12 tells us more.

OP here following up with some details! I can not get the image of him crouching in front of the tent and taking a shit out of my head! Yes, it was a shitty situation. No, I haven't dumped him. Shoes were on! We were at a public campground, down the shore. The bathrooms have toilets, showers, sinks, and TP.

Sinkhole tells us more.

Sinkhole 26

So, to answer people's comments: I'm not really going to change numbers, because I've already changed my number like 4 times for unrelated reasons, and I'm tired of changing it. I don't have a contract phone, and blocking numbers through the phone company is more hassle than it's worth, and probably wouldn't work anyway. I have no smartphone, so I can't just get an app. Not gonna take legal action against them because this is not a sue happy country. I have already told them not to call me, many many times (would be stupid not to have tried that already). After six months of two or three calls from them a day, ignoring them is not as easy as it sounds. There is no "do not call" list in my country. The most ridiculous thing is that they're trying to sell me some English courses, and I've told them I don't even need them, but of course, they just want to sell. I'll have to muster up the courage to pick up the phone and play loud and freaky **** for them in the background until they decide I'm a deranged individual who shouldn't be messed with.

carobee tells us more.

Hi, OP here! I had an accident, and therefore could not choose the date of the surgery. My face was severely smashed up, my nose broken and my jaw wired shut. It was a summer class and I missed the first 3 days, so by the time I was well enough to go they were already testing. The class was a pre-req I needed for my next year of class, my senior year. I didn't want to graduate late from college, as I am a pre med student and want to take the mcat next summer. I was not seriously worried about making friends, it was just funny to get so many strange looks. Anyway thanks for all the sweet comments, I'm doing much better now and look back to normal!!

Hannahb17 tells us more.

Hannahb17 8

For those of you who are wondering, I'm 17 and I work at Forever 21. I asked the two girls if they needed any help and they said, "Umm.. We don't want YOUR help." I said, "Excuse me?" They said, "OMG WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? WE DON'T WANT YOUR HELP! CAN WE GET SOMEONE ELSE TO HELP US?" At that point a manager came over to see what the problem was and the girls said, "We don't want her help. She doesn't even have a thigh gap. Why does she even work here?" Not wanting to do anything stupid and lose my job, I walked away. The two girls had to have been only a year or two younger than me. Plot twist: THEY DIDN'T HAVE FREAKING THIGH GAPS! I can't explain to y'all how much that irked me. The whole thing was just stupid. I really like working at Forever 21, though, so I'm glad I didn't do anything to jeopardize that. Well, thank you all for the supportive comments! They were fun to read. (: I hope y'all have a great night/day!