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By Anonymous - 07/03/2012 04:03 - United States

Today, I had to bury my horse again because coyotes keep digging it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 037
You deserved it 3 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kimcompton83 12

How many times have you had to do it?

Now hold your horses, OP can comment if he choose too , but as you said, it is highly un likely.


kimcompton83 12

How many times have you had to do it?

ohwellwhyme 2

I don't get why people ask questions here. The OP can not and will not ever answer your question.

Now hold your horses, OP can comment if he choose too , but as you said, it is highly un likely.

Actually you're wrong... OP can see and can answer.. I've seen a few where OP replies. it has 'Original Poster' under the comment.

Watch the video "KONY 2012" share it everywhere!!!!

theten_fml 9

Sometimes it makes me feel better to know someone else had the same question I did. -"Stop the Kony! Spread the word like you would the mayo!"

I get pretty excited when the OP actually replies to stuff. They really should more often, so many sleepless nights...

MizzErikaHart 8

The real question is how many people had to reread this fml cuz they thought it had to do with something sexual....hope it's not just me

I don't think "horse" is a sexual innuendo for anything.

xaviiboo 9

84 is right. OP said horse. Not donkey. And how would anyone think the FML is SEXUAL?? It's clearly about horse burial. And OP I understand the horse may have been special to you but you're either going to have to dig a little deeper or bury it somewhere where you won't see coyotes digging it up. It's nature. That's what will happen. Unless you bury it in a graveyard....

desireev 17

I've had the OP reply to many of my comments and I've seen the OP make posts or replies on many FMLs. It's not really that rare. It's all just a matter of 'the right place at the right time', I guess..

FurryRocks 10
Awes0meperson 10

That's what she said Sorry, someone had to do it :}

Watch for them and see if they come again. If they do, scare them off or something

markrs 0

3- thank you captain obvious! Gee Willikers you're smart!

Ooh looks like we have a troll on our hands!

That won't come even close to working.

Alright this is obviously an FML for the coyotes. I mean, look at all the hard work they do to dig up their dinner, and some punk keeps covering it over and over again!

She can't stand by the grave all day and night to make sure they stay away, 3.

jackrileymac 4

Hey I think it's a good idea. Where I come from, we watch em and shoot em when they cause problems

BradTheBrony 19

Boomhauer Mode, ACTIVATE! Dangoldcyotesmessinupmydangoldhorsey'knowwhatI'mtalkin'about?

Ah, so I'm guessing that you live up in northern Florida were there is more space for farms and owning horses, unlike down here in the southern part where it's mostly rural areas. Besides I've never heard of coyotes in the SF, LOL. Try using bear traps, I heard they were multi-purpose, or mines, or flockz. **SORRY FOR THREAD JACKING(I'm wanted throughout the world for highjacking peoples threads [and being an exclusive terrorist, but that part isn't important])**

I must say, OP, that flipping sucks.

kimcompton83 12

Cremation is always an option!

thiscrazything 1

Am I the only one who thinks that OP should let her horse be eaten? It will decay eventually and its sad for the coyotes...

MissHayleyJames 7

Well when they cremate a horse, they have to cut it into pieces first. Not a very pleasant way to think about your beloved horse. Granted, I don't actually know what we do with our horses' bodies when they die. I think we just have them disposed of. Ideally I'd like to give the bodies to a zoo or something to feed the lions and whatnot, but I understand people who wouldn't want that. I have a few horses I plan to cremate.

If it keeps happening dig a deeper hole. I can imagine that would be difficult with a horse though. If you are insistent about burying it go 6 feet down. After so many feet the coyotes won't be able to smell it anymore.

DontClickOnMe 28

Aww, poor horse. Sorry about your loss :(

Put something heavy on top of the grave

Hmmm. I can see flaws in your oversized paper-weight theory...

whippymcdumb4zs 0

A bulldozer might work.........

Actually when we buried a dog a few years ago, we found that a 1/4" thick steel plate worked quite well.

DiamondSkate 4

Well they could put a bunch of heavy rocks on top. It keeps animals from getting the horse, marks the grave, and looks prettier.

Am I the only one who thinks this sounds like something straight out of a comicbook? No offense, of course, to the OP and his/her loss.

What the hell kind of comics are you reading?

It is weird that OP lives near coyotes... I mean, I never thought that they lived near humans at all, but meh, who knows

There are several places where they live near humans. I have them jumping in my backyard all the time. But chances are, of op owns a horse, then they live on a farm, or near a rural area.

They live everywhere in Texas, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Like you can live in a not a dated community but like whatever they call em when they aint giot no gate, anyways you could walk outside you back or front door and BAMM theres a coyote not more than 50 ft from you.

desireev 17

Where I live, coyotes are about as common as cats, dogs, cows, and horses! They're everywhere! We, for the most part, leave them be. We just have to take extra precautions and make sure they don't tear our property and belongings up! Mischievous little creatures!

They're in Georgia too. Not just there.. -_-

UltimateGIRness 16

217-I was gonna Say that.the only animal I have that they won't bother is my goat.he is huge and mean so he runs them off.

LaColombianita 26

Damn coyotes. That would not be a pleasant sight to re bury your beloved dead horse :(

LaColombianita 26

Kinda the point of my comment I'm saying I feel bad for them. I understood the FML perfectly fine.

That's so true, I don't understand why anyone would click "he deserved it" unless he tortured the horse or something

zingline89 18

Forget about all the neigh sayers, I say cremate so you don't have to deal with this again.

LesCDeal 6

"Neigh" sayers? I see what you did there.

Hay now, hold your horses on the puns you guys, OP is going through a rough time and I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate us horsing around...

lrgenesis 19

Now I hoof to think of a pun...

Steedy guys, don't dash to conclusions here. We are only haying that OP should be a little more careful, I might be a saddle man on the internet, but my opinions stall count. No need to spur up trouble or anything.

lrgenesis 19

I wanna spur up trouble so people yell at me until their voices are hoarse and they canter keep yelling

Your profile description really confused me, like to the point I couldn't read anymore....

I see the potential for new juicystar. The blonde is strong in this one.

desireev 17

greatinbed- You should really change your username, Sweetie. Or delete the account you have and start a new one.

MissHayleyJames 7

Well if you spur up trouble, PETA might trample you. They'll raise their High Brows and say you're not very Smooth As A Cat. Just tell them to take some Peptoboonsmal and start acting like a Smart Little Lena instead of ranting like drunk idiots at a Metallic Cat concert. If they keep up trouble, challenge them to a Dual your Rey and give them a taste of a good Third Cutting. Just make sure you have a lot of Dual Pep and show them who the real Sophisticated Catt is. (I apologize that almost no one will understand these puns. They're all the names of famous stallions. I'll go hide in my corner now)