
By whyme_ss - 20/07/2009 20:05 - United States

Today, I went on a rollercoaster for the first time. I sat in the back, which was a bad idea. When it ended everyone in front of me turned around and stared. When I asked my friend what was going on, she said I had been screaming the Lord's Prayer the whole time. I hadn't even noticed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 594
You deserved it 26 958

Same thing different taste

Sensory deprivation

By Trisha - 07/10/2023 10:00 - United States

Today, I went to a theme park with my friends. I was excited to ride the rollercoasters, but just as we were about to get on the biggest one, I realized I'd had left my glasses in the car. I can't see shit without them, but I decided to go on the ride anyway. I spent the entire time screaming in terror while my friends laughed, while I couldn't see a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 178
You deserved it 678

Top comments

That's quite a new take on just screaming, "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!"

Shock98 0

hahahah. what the heckkk. how did you not notice that?


Rascal_620 0

Um... Really? What the hell? If something goes wrong, something goes wrong. You can't stop it, and you shouldn't be such a pussy to be so scared. Besides praying isn't going to save you anyway. What would is being rational about the situation (if something where to go wrong) and having a clear head.

Wow, I can't believe a perfectly rational, intelligent statement has been "voted negative" by all the religious idiots who can't face the facts. Way to go, assholes.

ifailplzinsultme 0

the facts are we aren't here by accident. That's the fact. We all know who made us. It wasn't the big-bang. (sorry but I'm goin all Christian on you)

OP is clearly still alive. So his prayers could have worked :')

Hahaha, I've gotta admit that's pretty hilarious. If I was on that rollercoaster and heard you I'd probably burst out laughing. Hopefully they thought it was funny and laughed at it rather than giving you dirty looks. Some people take shit too seriously.

ROFL, oh wow, rollar coaster are live and fun.

fxdxhk90 0

Someone spends way too much time in church.

nofrillz 0

stupid religous people god isn't real

FalconWhitaker 20
brown_eyed_girl 0

what did he spell wrong...? if its the fact that he didn't capitalize god, then ur an ass.

brown_eyed_girl 0

my bad my bad my bad, that's usually how i spell religious hahaha. but it's just one mistake, get over it.

that's it-if you type "god" the computer either says it's wrong, or automatically changes it to "God"

Don't rely on MS Word? Firefox recognizes uncapitalized god as a noun. Apparently Microsoft is Christian-oriented in addition to being just evil? (Just Christian, not even vague enough to handle the other Abrahamic religions. Muslim spellcheck would take god -> Allah, Jewish spellcheck would take god -> G-d.)

that's so something I would do :) adorable! to the assholes saying praying wouldn't do anything.. maybe you have no religious beliefs but to those who do (regardless of who they pray to) prayer helps them get thru anything that scares them or troubles them. to call them stupid for that or to expect them to believe like you do makes you more narrow minded and intolerant than most religious fanatics.

#37 - I like your reasoning. I agree with you, in fact. I wish we could all just live and let live. I am not Christian and likely will never be - I'm too analytical, too busy looking for proof. But that doesn't mean that I think everyone around me should be as faithless. If you have the ability to have faith in something, great! I'm glad you can. You live your life as you please, and I'll live mine as I please, and we'll all be happy. I really don't hold with this nonsense about "converting" people. Just ... everyone leave everyone else alone! :P

One of the most intelligent comments I've read here so far. Kudos to you.