
By whyme_ss - 20/07/2009 20:05 - United States

Today, I went on a rollercoaster for the first time. I sat in the back, which was a bad idea. When it ended everyone in front of me turned around and stared. When I asked my friend what was going on, she said I had been screaming the Lord's Prayer the whole time. I hadn't even noticed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 594
You deserved it 26 958

Same thing different taste

Sensory deprivation

By Trisha - 07/10/2023 10:00 - United States

Today, I went to a theme park with my friends. I was excited to ride the rollercoasters, but just as we were about to get on the biggest one, I realized I'd had left my glasses in the car. I can't see shit without them, but I decided to go on the ride anyway. I spent the entire time screaming in terror while my friends laughed, while I couldn't see a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 178
You deserved it 678

Top comments

That's quite a new take on just screaming, "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!"

Shock98 0

hahahah. what the heckkk. how did you not notice that?


Drowned 0

Well going on a roller coaster for the first time is a bit scary...

lol thats pretty hilarious nd embarrassing. did this happen to you again?

Was it the Bizarro Coaster at Six Flags New England?

brown_eyed_girl 0

it says it was in Massachussetts. but good guess.. NOT

Yes, Massachusetts isn't part of New England, similar to how Kansas isn't part of the Plains.

Haha. I was 6 when I went on my first coaster. Good times. You'll start enjoying them after a couple of goes. To all you fellow rollercoaster fans, I get to go to Kingda Ka and El Toro. Hahaha!

YDI for being religous. this is what happens. For the last time, PRAYING DOESNT WORK.

Pastor_Rich 0

it's a whole lot better than swearing

FalconWhitaker 20

Wow, I'm surprised nobody's responded to you in outrage yet, you adorable little wank-baiter, you! How long have you been practising the noble arts of misogyny and douche-baggery? I imagine it's been quite a while as you are skilled at both. Please consume faecal matter and expire :D

Kristoffer 35

ourfatherwhoartinheavenhallwoedbethynamethykingdomcomethywillbedoneonearthasitisinheavengiveus thisdayourdailybreadforgiveusofourtrespassesasweforgivethosewhotrespassagainstus... what are you looking at?

lmao, thats greattt i can imagine her/him reciting this...thats sooo funny :D

I couldn't stop laughing when I read your comment.

Kristoffer 35

If you draw attention to it, then it knows that you were affected by it.