
By whyme_ss - 20/07/2009 20:05 - United States

Today, I went on a rollercoaster for the first time. I sat in the back, which was a bad idea. When it ended everyone in front of me turned around and stared. When I asked my friend what was going on, she said I had been screaming the Lord's Prayer the whole time. I hadn't even noticed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 594
You deserved it 26 958

Same thing different taste

Sensory deprivation

By Trisha - 07/10/2023 10:00 - United States

Today, I went to a theme park with my friends. I was excited to ride the rollercoasters, but just as we were about to get on the biggest one, I realized I'd had left my glasses in the car. I can't see shit without them, but I decided to go on the ride anyway. I spent the entire time screaming in terror while my friends laughed, while I couldn't see a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 178
You deserved it 678

Top comments

That's quite a new take on just screaming, "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!"

Shock98 0

hahahah. what the heckkk. how did you not notice that?


ShockMouse 0

Lawl, religious fanatics. It's sad if you're screaming a prayer on a rollercoaster. Learn to live a little.

This is either a fake or a complete human fail. What kind of idiot 'doesn't notice' they were SCREAMING the Lord's Prayer? And what kind of idiot says the Lord's Prayer on a rollercoaster anyway? Tool.

I didn't notice I screamed during my car accident, but I could tell I had by how raw my throat was...

lol. the back is one of the worst spots (depending on how you look at it) because on the drop you don't get the brakes.

kellster 2

This is either fake and really stupid, or else you're suffering from some kind of psychotic disease that prevents you from knowing what you're doing. I suspect it's not the second one.

to #76, The Bible says that the prayer in Faith, in accordance with God's will, meaning not all prayers will be answered with a "Yes" answer from God, and the prayer said in the name of Jesus Christ, will be answered, and to #114, what is wrong with you? its sad that she is devoted enough to Jesus(who died for us, to take our punishment upon himself so that we didnt have to face damnation, and with no gain for himself except that those who believed in him could be called the children of God and spend an eternity with him) to know the Lord's prayer by heart and its sad that she goes to church when its possible, and we Christians are still the ones not accepting of other beliefs, okayyy

preach it brother......amen! FYI Prayer healed ma mom from lupus and my lil brother from Trisomy 13 (spelling might be wrong) Lord help these poor FML people because they are totally CLUELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

alliemi 0

As if you could yell an entire prayer without noticing. I don't believe that this happened. And even if it did, you're dumb and nobody cares.

lor4eto 0

a big **** YOU to all the atheists on here or people who have no religion that are bashing on christians. what the hell is wrong with them? why do they always have to be picked on? im not exactly sure what my religion is, but im not saying disrespectful things to people just because of the way that they think. christianity is just like the way you dress, or the kind of foods that you choose to eat. i dont see many people bashing on vegetarians just because they're different. why the hell does everyone hate christians and hate God. what did they ever do to you? get a ******* life and stop trying to be cool behind your computer screen and keyboard. ******* bastards.

alliemi 0

Also, I find this funny. When someone prays, and by coincidence the thing comes true, they 'thank god' that the thing happened. Yet when they pray and something doesn't come true, they don't blame 'god'. So basically, 'god' can do no wrong and has no responsibility whatsoever. At the same rate, when something bad happens, they never blame 'god'. They say things like "God is testing us"; they won't accept the truth and instead make excuses for a fake deity. What I wrote above is pure logic and if you read it but disagree then you're too brainwashed to know the difference anyway.

you know what else will respond with "yes", "no", or "not right now?" A magic 8-ball! Plus, you can actually hold it and see it, which means it's real...unlike yout favorite omnipotent fairy godmother/god/etc..... too bad arguing religion with the religious is worthless and a waste of time.... "****** niggers"...that was awesome. first time i've laughed reading fml. classic.