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Actor's Studio

By darthmilfious - 31/03/2010 07:56 - France

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. I was making a list of things to do tomorrow while faking an orgasm when I realize my boyfriend had finished about two minutes ago. He's pissed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 688
You deserved it 69 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well ydi for faking, if he's not doing it right, tell him, how's he ever gonna learn n fyl for getting caught


trumpetGIRL12345 0

oh well I'm guessing u aren't an actress huh

perdix 29

I don't get it -- had he pulled out? I don't pull out when I finish. There's still a few more minutes of hardness after I come, so I might be able to give her a bonus O after I'm "done."

I don't get it either. Had he stopped moving? How do you not notice that nothing is going on? I don't care if you were faking, but YDI for being dumb.

19 that's more likely to get her pregant if she orgasms after you came

fruitloop1221 1

111 who the hell told you that????? this is why we need better sex Ed in school.

megapeyt 17

In regards to 111; he knows not to whom he spoke

Simultaneous ****** is more likely to get you pregnant because the cervix sort of sucks semen up into the fallopian tubes during female ******. I think that is what he meant.

DokHolliday 0

Ever think that you "making a list of things to do" instead of being in the moment is why u don't cum. Dead fish girlfriend is a bad lay.

perezftw 0

Ydi for not realizing he finished 2 minutes ago..

KurouTenshi 0

lesson #273 as to why you don't fake enjoying sex. either get in the mood or don't partake. or get semi raped. whatever works.

Monikabug 9

Semiraped. Lol Prepare for semiflaming comments.... I say don't fake it. If he's not doing it for you, tell him. I promise he will do what it takes to take you to your Big Screaming O. :)

Nope! I've had many boyfriends who don't care what they're doing wrong. Which is why they're all ex's now. There are a lot of selfish, boring-in-bed guys out there.

valmont_fml 0

Well, it sounds like in this case he actually did care. It depends on the guy. If he does care, it's not right, and if he doesn't care there's no reason to bother with faking.

I'd be pissed too. Ydi. All couples should have an open dialog about sex. If you can't be honest and communicate w/ your man, you really shouldn't be in a relationship. If he's a shitty lover, then why are you still w/ him? This FML made me laugh tho. How did you not realize he was done?

Give him head several times in a row. He'll forgive you, won't have to pull a bad performance and you won't waste time faking . Head is the solution to headaches.

damn just leave him if he's that bad

You fucktard what she needs to do is tell him what he is doing wrong so that he can fix it and make her experience more enjoyable. She has no reason to leave him. Also relationships are not just about sex they are also about a shared love between 2 people. Sex is just a benefit of being in a relationship.

420smoke420 3

you should apologize take him to the tv and turn on his favorite sports game and if the tv remote is across the room don't you dare make him go get it, you get it for him, and then ask what he would like to eat and grab him a nice cold beer (opened of course) and then go and do the dishes after he's done eating and then do what a women is good for and do the laundry and maybe if you're lucky he will forgive you

and if that fails... ...well at least he emjoyed a good game

dannyfont 5

how interesting was the list for you not to realize he was done. ydi and fhl

or how bad was the sex for you to not realize? FYL . but girl, don't fake it. When you fake, you're only concerned about his pleasure and not yours.