
By Anonymous - 23/09/2013 02:56 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my mother asked me if she could borrow $200. Being the lovely daughter I am, I gave her my bank card to withdraw it herself. She gambled it away and maxed my bank account out. I had $1500 saved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 769
You deserved it 20 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry to hear. but please get her to seek help as pathological gambling can be as debilitating as using drugs. Take care xx

thegravytrain 6

1) Inform her that she needs to pay you back. Also, understand it likely isn't going to happen. 2) Show her those free casino games on iphones or whatever, that are cheap and free. She can play out her gambling addiction, without actually going bankrupt. Simple, huh? I have a family member who wasted thousands until someone just got him a smartphone with the casino app and said "here. play this. itll cost you a couple bucks a month instead of hundreds or thousands" and he just uses that and pays like $2.99 for more chips if hes out, that lasts him at least a week or two. 3) Understand it's not being a good daughter to enable someone's addiction. If you didn't know, that sucks. But she needs help, not gambling money


I'm sorry that happened to you Op, but you should never trust anyone with your money. Greed makes even the best people turn into vicious assholes. I hope your mother gets the help she needs and that she someday apologizes to you and pays you back.

If you even suspected a possible problem you definitely deserved it! I do get that you might not have been expecting it and she could have just recently got into gambling like that. If that is the case, you really should get her some help. Sometimes people do let their trusted family members use their bank card, but its at your own risk to do so, you have to take responsibility for that. You never know when temptation might hit and how well their will power is to overcome it! The bright side is that you may have caught it early and that might help in recovery.

Damn it, op. Sorry, man. Hope your mom quits gambling.

Well that a lesson's usually a good thing to ask what they are for...

Family or friends when you lend someone money give them the amount of money, also when they ask can I borrow x amount of $$ ask what they need it for. If they seem like they're making it up or they get a bit defensive or fidgety don't lend it to them as they're potentially gambling, drinking or injecting it. You hand someone your card and your not protected by your bank as you gave them permission to have access to your account.

My first thought when I read this FML: "Sue the bitch."

I just don't buy that there was no way to see this coming. It sucks...sorry, but you did this to yourself.

OP. Never lend your bank card to anybody, you must have known your mother have some sort of addiction.