Alas, poor Kermit

By traumatizedforlife - 05/08/2013 20:21 - United States

Today, I stepped out of the house for some fresh air. It was still dark out, so imagine my horror when I accidentally stepped on a frog. It squealed for a split second before being crushed beneath my uncovered foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 427
You deserved it 6 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imagine just sitting there relaxing when all of the sudden a giant foot squishes you? o.O

then000bster 16

Sounds like you had a smashing time.


Frog murderer! Of course it will be our at night as it is cooler then than in the daytime!

The same thing happened to me.. but with a cockroach.

lexim1130 15

Same thing happened to me when I was on vacation only it was a snail, worst.. Feeling.. EVER

I know that feeling, sis. I did the same thing with a lizard when I was 8. It still haunts me.

cho_bee 9

... And now I have the Liberty Bell March stuck in my head.