Alexa, play "Ghosts" by Japan

By stuckathome - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was awoken by a conversation my mom was having with my dog upstairs. She was telling my dog that a ghost lives in our house. She was completely serious. The ghost even has a name and a backstory. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 260
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Name: Billy thr Ghost Backstory: rapes little dogs that dont eat all their vegetables.

How is this an FML? Sure, you're mom might be crazy, but at least it sounds like she's a fun kind of crazy. And hey, how do you know there's no ghost?


ps: she sounds pretty lonely to me. instead of judging your mom and putting her on blast all up on the ****** internet, for sone FML brownie poins, why don't you actually engage in a conversation with her, and act like you still care about her. ...she may not always be there, yunno.

i guess I'll have to start proof-reading my own iPhone posts before I hit "send" ...let's hope everyone knew I meant "some" and "points"

Agreed, but only if not done already. I mean, if they have a perfectly normal relationship, I certainly would be raising an eyebrow upon hearing her having that kind of conversation with a dog... In my opinion, ghosts are a load of BS.

not to disagree with you, but just because there's no proof of ghosts, scientifically, doesn't completely rule them out. you can't prove love exists beyond tolerance, doesn't meant it's not real to some folks. it's sorta like black holes, string theory, or quantum physics and whatnot. I'm not saying any of the above is "real" beyond an individual's perception. ...but I'm no scientist, or um..poet.

My mom has conversations with my dog all the time. She sings to him even more often. Tbh I think she misses when my brother and I were still kids so now she treats the dog like a baby. It's a little weird when she asks him if he went to school today though. |:

@ MrMad We certainly can't prove whether they exist or not. I think it also has to do with if you're open/willing to see them or interact with them or not (which also creates the question if it is not a simple hallucination created by the person that sees them). Myself I am certainly not willing to, and that is also the reason I didn't say that I thought it was a fact that they are a load of BS, but an opinion ^^. I do think black holes sound kinda cool lol!

Agree with #16. I'm not sure if OP was complaining about the ghost, the dog-whispering mother, or being woken up. Either way, I don't see the problem. Tell your mum you heard her and you might learn something about the history of your house and engage your mum in the process.

haha really? Her mom was talking to a dog. Who cares? Do you own pets? Her talking to a dog doesn't mean she's lonely at all. I don't know how people read into these so much.

nommnom_fml 0

I don't reckon op was worried bout her mum talkin to the dog. but that she was downstairs, posibly completely alone. and listening to her mum talk about a ghost who has a full backstory an name lol

Ecnassianer 0

I don't get it. Is your mom insinuating to your dog that you are a ghost? The dog wont understand, even if she is. This is definitely not an FML. The imaginary third button should read "Get a life and stop posting stupid shit on FML". Posers. Some people have stories worth telling, yet we get this. I only moderate to read the good ones, as it seems even when I vote yes nobody else does.

Ecnassianer 0

By that, I meant that it isn't worth moderating, because good FMLs don't get in anyway.

hotpinkdiamond 0

crazy people are fun:) you're just an ass for saying this is an FML, suck it up

Your mom sounds amazing. P.S. ITS MY BIRTHDAY EEEE

nobridgejustwate 0

HAPPEH BURFDAY ^____^ Hahaha.

Bring in the cake :D Bring in the presents :D Bring in … anything else?

I wish you all went to my university, because I'm bringing cake to my drawing class! Imaginary cake for one and all!

Giorgio272 2

look your mom is a loney. steal her cash. rob her and then lock her up in the looney bin. live life good for a year before shit has caught up to you and you commit suicide. awesomeme life you have loser.

#28 has it right. Enjoy. Astro-Thought you would be on a Mexican beach now.

my parents friends cat cooney can actualy answer yes or no questions by meowing

vansbabe66 0

haha I'm laughing at 36 lol.. ans maybe your mom was high