Alexa, play "Ghosts" by Japan

By stuckathome - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was awoken by a conversation my mom was having with my dog upstairs. She was telling my dog that a ghost lives in our house. She was completely serious. The ghost even has a name and a backstory. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 260
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Name: Billy thr Ghost Backstory: rapes little dogs that dont eat all their vegetables.

How is this an FML? Sure, you're mom might be crazy, but at least it sounds like she's a fun kind of crazy. And hey, how do you know there's no ghost?


should we be more worried that she thinks that there are gosts, or that she was talking to the dog

I know it ! I knew they got internet in afterlife ! :o)

I know that there is a little girl in my hall way and I have seen her I'm not crazy... just ur average Joe but my life is crazy

I've always had this strange belief that ghost prefer to be called spirits. And about your ghost just offer like a bowl of fruit to it yearly and it won't bother you and also call him/her be his/her name and it will probably won't bother you. Or is it they hate being called by their name... And about your mom talking to your dog... IDK...

I think you should bring your mom in for physic evaluation...

BRINGitBACK6112_fml 0

man, you're mom's lucky I always wanted Scooby Doo as a pet

skater4life69 0

your mom must smoke hella bud

If my mom believed in ghosts my life would be just a little more interesting...