Alexa, play "Ghosts" by Japan

By stuckathome - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was awoken by a conversation my mom was having with my dog upstairs. She was telling my dog that a ghost lives in our house. She was completely serious. The ghost even has a name and a backstory. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 260
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Name: Billy thr Ghost Backstory: rapes little dogs that dont eat all their vegetables.

How is this an FML? Sure, you're mom might be crazy, but at least it sounds like she's a fun kind of crazy. And hey, how do you know there's no ghost?


KurouTenshi 0

you won't be laughing when your mom is writing epic stories and getting paid out the ass for them. everyone thought JKRowling was crazy when she scribbled about wizards and magic on napkins at her diner, but look at her now!

FYL, dude. You gotta get that ghost shit taken care of ASAP, before your property devalues.

cantfightfate 0

who doesn't talk to their dog? get a life, OP.

maybe you are dead, and she was talking about you

I would be more worried about her having a conversation with the dog...

I have the same problem - I think my toilet is haunted because every time I go in there I shit myself.

nessalujin 0

Not an FML, more like a that was weird moment.

cat people are faggets, or old women, which is fine.

Adults playing is just as common as children playing. It isn't a sign of any mental imbalance or personal defect. Adults play just like children, she is playing with the dog, telling him a story because both she, and the dog enjoy the interaction. It doesn't matter what she says to the dog. You overheard a private moment. If you overheard the things I say to my pets when I'm alone you'd think I was insane (I'm not). Alot of people hold unusual beliefs never consider why or think them through. This is perfectly normal, its actually adult play, adult fantasy, and when rationalized it does come up wanting. There is nothing wrong with it, nor is it at all concerning from a mental health perspective. Normality and sanity is a very wide road.