Alexa, play "Ghosts" by Japan

By stuckathome - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was awoken by a conversation my mom was having with my dog upstairs. She was telling my dog that a ghost lives in our house. She was completely serious. The ghost even has a name and a backstory. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 259
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Name: Billy thr Ghost Backstory: rapes little dogs that dont eat all their vegetables.

How is this an FML? Sure, you're mom might be crazy, but at least it sounds like she's a fun kind of crazy. And hey, how do you know there's no ghost?


that's not so bad, sounds kind of fun! always wanted one. a ghost not a crazy mom...

Intellectualist 0
livluvlaff8 0

#13 thank u excatually what I was thinking. my mom is alittle crazy

cocopuff96 0

ghosts give me the creeps. I'd run for the hills.

35- why do they give you the creeps? if there is such thing as ghosts, that ensures us that there's an after life

Which would tell us dead people are watching you **********.

ashlieghhmarie21 0

ghOst are only scary because they can "demonds" instead of "spirits" which yes; can be quite scary because they can torment you and make you feel insane. some people can hear them, some see them, some feel them others can't.. everything depends on the person.

tehamericanboy94 0

A ghost would be awesome to talk to.. for about five mins..

lazaruz 0

so the person is afraid of ghost

dont worry only ghost that YOU killed can hurt u thats it the only thing they can do

@11 by the looks of your pic you just called your wrist a troll

mashnikandporter 0

go to hell. what kind of person anonomously makes fun of a person on the Internet? nice going dickwad. and espescially one who may hurt themselves. way to encourage suicide. bastard.

Ghostbusters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was hoping someone would ask that!! ; )

**** yeah 83! i was waitin for someone to answer lmao your awesome :P

capgray 0

74 is awesome for the friends reference lmao hahahahahhahahaha

@26: Can you not spell or are you just too lazy to try?

How is this an FML? Sure, you're mom might be crazy, but at least it sounds like she's a fun kind of crazy. And hey, how do you know there's no ghost?

I always talk shit to animals. makes life what is is.

epound28 0

**** Yeah! I told my cat to **** off the other day.

8th! Score. Well, look on the bright side! Crazy mother = a virtually unlimited amount of funny stories.

Yep - "The upside of dementia? Each day's an adventure" lol

Name: Billy thr Ghost Backstory: rapes little dogs that dont eat all their vegetables.

not only little dogs... but bitches who tried to talk their little dogs into eating vegetables

Let's hope it's casper the friendly ghost otherwise you sir, are ******.

Sounds kinda cute to me. Who knows? Maybe the dog translates for your mom and the ghost! Tee hee!

livluvlaff8 0

well ur mom is offically crazy

Could be either Alzheimer, or a Delirium. Or crack. Depends on the length of your mom's condition though. Tell her to see her GP. Good luck.