Angry Bird

By TetrisMaster - 24/11/2013 12:30 - Australia

Today, I discovered that my heart rate is higher while playing Tetris than it is during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 623
You deserved it 6 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It happens. That game gets intense, especially if you **** up a few lines.

Is that because you're partner sucks or because you get really excited playing tetris?


perdix 29

Maybe you're wearing a "granny" heart rate monitor that is sucking the romance out of your lovemaking. Get a hot heart rate monitor and add a sexy sphygmomanometer, and ooh, la, la!!!

Fitting things perfectly in a --box can cause stress!

My question is why do you take your pulse during sex or while playing tetris?

Sounds like u need some intensity and someone who actually knows all the right places.

Or she/he could teach their partner the right places rather than just finding someone else