Angry Bird

By TetrisMaster - 24/11/2013 12:30 - Australia

Today, I discovered that my heart rate is higher while playing Tetris than it is during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 623
You deserved it 6 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It happens. That game gets intense, especially if you **** up a few lines.

Is that because you're partner sucks or because you get really excited playing tetris?


just think of tetris during sex. video games are raunchy! i know i've pretended my partner was Kratos, the God of War a few times. never an L shaped block, but whatever excites ya (:

Well, perhaps combine the two?! lol play tetris while having sex, it'll be a breath taking experience! haha.

Must be something about stacking blocks vertically.

Tetris is awesome, I reckon my heart does the same!

knoxxx 22

maybe your pulse was low during sex cause you were thinking about taking your pulse instead of thinking about the sex?

How did you find that out? Do you have official heart rate measurements?

StinkingThing 10

That means you are doing a bad job, get that waist pumping