
By Anonymous - 07/01/2010 21:44 - United States

Today, while in class, I noticed that someone had really bad B.O. I was seated next to an extremely ill-mannered girl, so I figured it was her, and thought to myself that if it happened again, I'd tell her off. Once I got home and took off my jacket, I realized it was me. I forgot to put on deodorant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 978
You deserved it 45 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redblueviolet 0

I tried to say no when I moderated this... for the OP's sake. OP, you're going to have to deal with people telling you that you're a moronic piece of shit for making a simple mistake. I wouldn't read the rest of the comments if I were you.

Miso_Soupu 0

How could your body odor be that bad simply because you forgot deodorant? Perhaps you should try showering...


big deal. so what? no one else noticed. not an FML

cel123456789 0
morganfml14 0

Oh that's happend to all of us. AND IT SUCKS!

Um, but I know what my own BO smells like (from the very few times I forgot to put deodorant on).

Definite (Y) for you #9 (you go #9), I was going to say the same thing.

FalsePretense 0

How do the worst/mist boring fmls make it on here?

Not an fml. Nobody acknowledged disgust on your part.

I don't feel sorry for you. i mostly feel sorry for all of the people who had to read this and that girl you were sitting next to. she was probably thinking... who smells like an italian sub with extra cheese

If someone never realizes the extent of their problems, they con never hope to solve them. If the woman actually did have BO, she probably wouldn't have been aware, and would have gone through life being ignored and mistreated by people for her smell. Sometimes knowing you have a problem is better than ignorance. You'll feel bad for a few days when someone tells you something like that, which is much better in the long run than the effects of smelling horrible the rest of your life. But in this case the op is a dumb bitch.

kmgentil 0

I HATE IS WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!!! I have to walk through school with my arms down, but the smell of my B.O. calms me down but when i think its someone elses B.O. it smells bad 8]