
By Anonymous - 07/01/2010 21:44 - United States

Today, while in class, I noticed that someone had really bad B.O. I was seated next to an extremely ill-mannered girl, so I figured it was her, and thought to myself that if it happened again, I'd tell her off. Once I got home and took off my jacket, I realized it was me. I forgot to put on deodorant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 978
You deserved it 45 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redblueviolet 0

I tried to say no when I moderated this... for the OP's sake. OP, you're going to have to deal with people telling you that you're a moronic piece of shit for making a simple mistake. I wouldn't read the rest of the comments if I were you.

Miso_Soupu 0

How could your body odor be that bad simply because you forgot deodorant? Perhaps you should try showering...


kmgentil 0
somepartsareme 0
kmgentil 0

yea, u talk to me, i was just jking about the ****** thing, u very very nice person, i send u message

kimberquat 0

duhh. hiw could u f'n forget!!! freakin' retard!!! ur poluting the world!! :)

You're polluting the world with your horrible spelling. Stop taking short cuts and type out everything. It takes like 2 seconds longer and you actually get taken seriously. Sucks for you OP, but this isn't an FML. If you had yelled at the girl, then yeah it would be an FML, but you didn't and YDI doesn't even fit for this because I'm sure many people have forgotten to put on deodorant at some point in their lives. It's easy to do if your rushing and have more important things on your mind. So.. learn from your mistake?

@55 : I agree with the first part of your comment. I hate how people can't simply take two extra seconds to spell out the whole damn word.

KingRDZ 0

not putting on deodorant for a day is not gonna make u smell like a pig u must not take shower and been on a not put on deodorant streak