At least you tried, son

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Australia - Canberra

Today, while trying to score a date, I almost made a girl pass out. No, I didn't try to chloroform her, I just came across as so pathetic that she laughed hard enough to have an asthma attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 272
You deserved it 3 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I didn't try to chloroform THIS ONE" You should get together with the guy who wants anal. You will probably be pretty good friends.


purplegold 19

I bet she was mad embarrassed

Even though almost everyone has pointed it out... "This one," OP? I sincerely hope that was poor word choice and not an indication of past actions or future intent... Generally speaking, being drugged makes people displeased with the notion of dating the one responsible. That said, ouch at the being laughed at. While she was within rights to turn you down, laughing at you implies you are better off without her. After all, if she somehow sees herself as so "superior" to you that that was her response, she likely would have been an unpleasant individual to date.

Why does this sound like the beginning of an NCIS episode