
By wtf - 14/09/2011 18:11 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me that if my penis was on any other body it would be considered small, but on me it's "cute." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 078
You deserved it 4 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PSQ91 6

She's trying not be offensive. You should be grateful to have her.


Tell her if her breasts were on any other body, they would be considered saggy, but on you they're small.

lizliz23 0

haha 151 tht sucks 4 u but size is important

It really isn't if you look at there personality sound like you're headed for the proportion-royalty! Cheers to future FML's!

at least i'm not the only guy who has a "small" one...

pvtgrey6289 4 maybe...damn...nothing I could say would be a silver lining to that comment. Upgrade your sex skills so next time you rock her world and bet you she won't...actually she'll probably still call it cute but you know and she knows you can work what ya got. Oh yea and fyl indeed. Nothing on a man should be considered cute unless you're under 10. Just sayin

I'm sorry. Just do the best you can with what god gave you - and you can always do an amazing job with "special kisses." That will make up for some of it.

clementine00 1

well you must be short and have a tiny build, and if that's the case, then it would just be strange for you to have a a really large penis. Plus, coming from someone who has a nd with a decently sized member, its not a bad thing to be a Tad smaller because whenever we have sex I get sore, so you guys can probably have sex much more often and she won't be sore. She should be dam glad :)

danz123 7

FYL man, people think it's OK to joke about guys in that way, but as soon as we comment on whether a girl looks fat or not, or has small boobs or whatever, there's an uproar. Ah, society. At least she tried to be a little more coy about it, but that still doesn't really help.

All of the people who think size matters are wrong it's all about personality and if size matters to you your a **** or a jerk who can't see past looks