Bad start

By Nathan - 23/03/2009 20:09 - United States

Today, I went to see a therapist for the first time because I've been feeling depressed lately. I opened up and said everything that was on my mind. I really spilled my guts. After a good 30 minutes, her first question was, "Do you always talk this much?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 331
You deserved it 7 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually I know from expierence that this is not a lie. I went to a therapist for the same reason and she asked me what had been on my mind, I have hard time opening up to people as it is but figured that it was her job to listen (plus I was paying her enough to listen) after telling her everything and tell her how I felt, she looked at me straight in the face and told me I talked too much!

Oh, I thought people went to therapists to talk about their problems. Thanks for clearing that up for me!


That's a very normal question. My therapist asked me if I talked this fast all the time. They want to know if your brain is in hyperdrive or if you talk when you are nervous. That was the point of the question.

Your therapist needs to lose their license. The one thing they teach you in any psychotherapy or counseling class is to never make your patient feel uncomfortable. The only thing I can think of is your therapist is a Rational Emotive Behavior Therapist or is using some of Albert Ellis' techniques, they will sometimes use humor and quick wit to point out your flaws and show you it's okay to be human and fallible. I don't know how a comment of that sort can be helpful in any way. Very unprofessional, I recommend you find another therapist. This one sounds like a real asshole.

MrAdventure 1

Did the OP let the therapist get a word in edgewise? When shy people finally talk, sometimes you can't get them to shut up and get a chance to ask a question or three.

Monty_Python 0
pinkpikachu 0

You should consider the fact that perhaps the psychiatrist was only asking you if you opened up to someone before. People with depression tend to take help and advice as insults or something negative. Well. Either way, you probably should switch to another therapist, which is something you are probably doing now.

@ OP: if i were u i'd def ask the therapist abt that question during the next session. it may not be as bad as you think. @ # 29: dude, have u evr taken psych? at my university, general psychology is one of the very select few classes that come with supplemental instruction. supplemental instruction is what universities offer when a particular class has a high failure rate because the subject is DIFFICULT.

kjxmlxmon 0

wow. i don't think that that's what therapists are supposed to do. isn't it their JOB to listen? aren't they the ones who are always PUSHING for you to talk. that seems messed.

I see 3 possible scenarios: 1) You need a different therapist. 2) #4 is right-- maybe she worded the question poorly, and she really meant to ask if you ever talk about your feelings with anyone. 3) Maybe she was thinking that the talkativness may have been manic behavior, so she asked you about it in order to gather more information.