Bad start

By Nathan - 23/03/2009 20:09 - United States

Today, I went to see a therapist for the first time because I've been feeling depressed lately. I opened up and said everything that was on my mind. I really spilled my guts. After a good 30 minutes, her first question was, "Do you always talk this much?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 331
You deserved it 7 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually I know from expierence that this is not a lie. I went to a therapist for the same reason and she asked me what had been on my mind, I have hard time opening up to people as it is but figured that it was her job to listen (plus I was paying her enough to listen) after telling her everything and tell her how I felt, she looked at me straight in the face and told me I talked too much!

Oh, I thought people went to therapists to talk about their problems. Thanks for clearing that up for me!


Although the therapist could have worded it better, it is a very legitimate question. generally, people who suffer from depression or various other psychological disorders tend to be very quiet and keep to themselves. As long as you tell her that no, you don't talk this much, then s/he can help you properly. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone and let it all out.

she must have been joking because therapists are meant for listening and talking a lot when YOU are done, dont worry shes just an idiot

Oh God, this is why I refuse to go to counsellors. What a bitch.

You told this woman all about your problems. For many people, it takes a few sessions to tell something remotely meaningful or personal. Your counsellor, having any experience ever of people, asked if you talk this freely about your problems with others. Did I miss somethng?

I can almost guarentee that this therapist was saying something helpful and it was taken in the wrong way.