
By batter--up - 17/02/2010 02:54 - United States

Today, in a sporting goods store, my mom was over on the other side of the store, when a cute guy came over to talk to me. When she saw this she grabbed a bat, walked over to us and said, "If you ever even look at my daughter again, I will beat you shitless." She was serious. He ran. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 716
You deserved it 2 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorcerersinger 0

I would expect that from a father. usually moms want their daughters to get married and whatnot.

Wow that's a scary mom xD gl to your future bf


sealed_with_a_sm 2

This seems so unlikely that I feel tempted to ask if it happened in a dream.... If not, wow? Was it a very poor joke...?

TheMeravig 0
TheMeravig 0

Snickerdoodles are awesome cookies; you suck. What did you say? "Blah blah it's trashy to hit on people" and then "Hey girl I've never met, you're gorgeous". Oh, the irony.

Heartbreakher 0

true, bi girls/boys confuse me they never know what they want I'm just saying..

#47 you're making me miss my Eragon book

I swear in an earlier thread since you comment on so many that you said you were waiting till marriage... So how do you know your bi?!

Sexual orientation and sexual intercourse are two completely different things. That is like her asking you how you knew you were straight before you first had sex. Being bisexual, she would feel physical attraction to some members of both sexes. Having the sex doesn't decide anything.

Sirin took the words right outta my mouth..

perdix 29

Sorry, Sirin, I have to disagree. Maybe technically, it counts as being bisexual to have mental attraction to people of both sexes, but in reality, until you act upon those desires, saying that you are "bisexual" seems a bit false. I know that saying this is currently fashionable for girls. I find accepting this claim difficult from girls who have lots of heterosexual experience, but have never physically done anything with another woman. When you are a virgin, you may have tendencies, but until you act on any of them, you are really asexual. To me, the acts really confirm the orientation.

Just a mental attraction would make her either bicurious or pansexual. I was talking about physical reactions that remain over the course of more than just a horny spell or two. Of course, most people don't really come to grips with or finish exploring their sexuality until their very late teens in most cases, so aren't really in a position to say for sure one way or the other. Acting on physical desires doesn't solidify their sexuality; it only confirms it to guys who wouldn't mind watching said acts. Just like gay guys don't need to do anything sexual to know what their orientation is. But the bisexual-till-graduation people are a pain in the ass. Disclaimer: This comment may or may not make any sense whatsoever.

perdix 29

Well, they do say "seeing is believing" and "the proof of the pudding is in the eating," so I guess you are right; if a girl wants me to believe she is truly bisexual, I'd have to see if for myself. Is that a bad thing?

Not really. Just remember to forward me any video footage you record. I need it for documentary purposes.

perdix 29

Ha-ha, don't hold your breath -- the closest I get to bisexuality is doing it with two girls. You might not need video footage of that, if you play your cards right. ;) So, Sirin, you naughty, little minx, which image were you more eagerly anticipating, me pitching or catching?

flashback.miss 28

SIRIN!!! NOOOOO!!!!! OP, lol, i hope my mom does something like that tough ive never had a bf. and im not into sex and so.. though i do fantasize about tentacle bondage sometimes...

TheMeravig 0

I didn't say it was; YOU did, in a way. If you believe both of your statements don't contradict each other, then you're just in denial.

milkshakesrule 0

you should probably have a talk with you're mother.

Not to be a grammar Nazi or anything, but that misuse of "your" is concentration camp worthy.

w00kye 0

Ydi for not beating her with a bat.

Your mom is the best! Any guy/girl that can't take a little harassment from a parent isn't going have any balls down the road. In other words, if you can't stand up to me how can I expect you to stand up for my daughter when she needs you?