
By batter--up - 17/02/2010 02:54 - United States

Today, in a sporting goods store, my mom was over on the other side of the store, when a cute guy came over to talk to me. When she saw this she grabbed a bat, walked over to us and said, "If you ever even look at my daughter again, I will beat you shitless." She was serious. He ran. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 716
You deserved it 2 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorcerersinger 0

I would expect that from a father. usually moms want their daughters to get married and whatnot.

Wow that's a scary mom xD gl to your future bf


Part of me thinks this is fake - simply because most people would not threaten to hit someone with a bat in a PUBLIC place. I know quite a few that would on their own property... But I also know that some people would actually do this, but like other people have said, it's not usually the mother, it's more likely to be the father. Though I think in one state in America it is illegal for a father to threaten his daughters boyfriend with a gun - but nothing about the mother. I wonder if it's the same state, but I can't find the book I got it from, so can't check. But getting back on topic, if this is real, then OP that really does suck.

Melkezidech 0

#67 Are you butch? You look butch.

@Melkezidech; Most people actually call me a geek, so I'd guess not. And especially not as I was playing monopoly when that pic was taken. @FernandoTorres; Are you sure you meant to reply to my comment? It seems more relevent to the thread a bit further up.

DuhthatsObvious 0 i hate girls who try to steal boyfriends.. check out this ***** noods

snickerdoodle... your like... 13.... and ur bi? wow. early starter? and where's ur beloved "peredox" or whatever?

buttshapedfruit 0

thank her for saving you the hassle of having potentially dated a pussy 

I don't know if I'd call him a pussy, I wouldn't risk my life for a relationship with a girl I didn't know.

tell your mom to chill the **** out holly shit!

Splayd 10

This girl I had a small crush on in my kindergarten class.

jizzyfbaby 0

Omfggggg LMFAOO thats exactly wat my mom wood do XD

AbOvE_88 0

maybe that dude should've just gone and hit on the mom, that or in literally.

callicoat 0

there's two things yo don't mess with... 1 my doritos 2 my momma