Bingo wings

By fatpreggo - 07/08/2009 20:14 - United States

Today, I was proudly telling my husband that I only gained 8 lbs throughout the pregnancy thus far. I usually obsess over my weight, so it was a great accomplishment for me. He then turned and pinched my arms, saying, "Well, looks like all the fat migrated to your arms." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 089
You deserved it 8 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bexox 0

Well, you should have thought of that before getting pregnant. Honestly, you need to get over it. You're going to gain weight if you're carrying.

It's healthy to put on weight during pregnancy. YDI for caring more about your weight than your baby.


3arl 0

don't exactly why u would f your life for this he just said it was in your arms it could have been in worse places

oystersmoke 0

obviously your husband is now... in his head realizing, he shouldn't of said that comment. you went as far as to put it on fml and are extremely hormonal right now. so I can imagine you are still mad about this and reading comments on the net are just fueling your fire. so what, maybe your arms are looking a little flabby? you are pregnant weight gain happens. pregnant girls need exercise too! work out together it's an activity you can do together. after every session you both can lift your arms to the sky and give thanks for the family you have and your exciting new future!

Well, if you're asking for a compliment, get ready for the possibility that the asked person might want to tease you, regardless whether it's true or not. He teased you, in a playful way, about something you shouldn't worry now - your weight. Get over it, or go to a psychiatric hospital, because you may end up there if you take everything so seriously.

i had a teacher once whose arms did that every time she pointed at the board. she's a teacher, so points at boards A LOT. Thanks for ruining lunch junior year, Mrs. Stewart.

i_love_fml_11 0

you're pregnant, you NEED to gain weight. it is unhealthy not to gain weight. since your husband got you pregnant, he should be working with you to gain it with healthy foods and not tease you about where you do gain it.

Actually you don't NEED to gain weight when you're pregnant if you're overweight to start off with! A friend of mine lost over 20 kilos while she was pregnant because she was eating better and doing light exercise like walking and swimming. But seriously, the OP needs to stop fishing for compliments and get a grip - bodies are just a shell, they're not who you are - healthy and skinny aren't the same thing - grow some confidence and let that be your legacy to your child, not body obsession.

You got it right...when I see overweight kids the first thing I wanna do is punch their parents in the face! At a young age they're not capable yet of deciding what and how much is nor is not okay to the parents need to teach them properly... So I actually think it's good that the kid will have a Mom who at least keeps an eye on the weight.

Imgonnatrollyou 0

Women only need 300 calories a day throughout the ENTIRE pregnancy so 8lbs is a lot ydi.

zootsuit 0

um yeah. most women need 2,000-2,500 calories a day, plus 300 extra if they're pregnant. plus their whole body chemistry and hormones and metabolism changes. why don't you try being pregnant and then talk, you idiot.

Youre the same fat women who gets fatter during pregnancy cause you use pregnancy as an excuse to get fat. The average women only needs 1400-1700 calories a day. While pregnant that goes up to 1700-2000. This has been scientifically proven MANY times. How bout you do some research fatty.

zootsuit is correct, the average woman needs around 2000 calories, and most people go waaaay above this because of all the chocolate etc that we consume. so you are wrong, and so shouldn't be throwing around insults like that!

You too are wrong. Both of you are speaking from rumor and "bro science". Do research, please.

I have no idea what you're trying to infer with "bro science," but I'm 5'6", 120 lbs, NOT pregnant and I need 1600 cals/day to maintain my weight. So I'm pretty sure an average-sized preggo woman needs a bit more than 1700 cals/day. :/ Not to mention with all the differences in metabolism, it's hard to say who needs what, so stop acting like you know everything about pregnancy.

I could say the same to you, but it doesn't prove anyone's point.

Hotsauce is correct, the average person (which includes men bringing up the average) need 2000-2500 calories a day, of course this is for a MODERATELY ACTIVE lifestyle which almost no one follows it seems, so 1400-1700 is most likely suitable for most women or 1700-2000 if they are preggers

Sure, 1600-ish calories a day may be suitable for a short, thin sedentary woman. But the average woman, leading an average lifestyle, needs about 1800 cals/day. The average pregnant woman probably needs somewhere between about 1900-2500 cals/day.

well hot sauce i did some research like you asked. I quote @ 5'3": Since you're pregnant, you'll need at least 2,245 calories to gain some weight and maintain your activity level. @ 5'4": Since you're pregnant, you'll need at least 2,395 calories to gain some weight and maintain your activity level. seems as though the talller you are the more you have, and it does say more than 2000 right? or should that doctor do some research too?

First of all to all you people who seem to think only gaining 8 lbs is bad for the child, it's not always bad. Most of my family lost weight when they were pregnant and they had big healthy babies so everyone is different. And she isn't saying FML for gaining the weight she is saying FML for having a husband who would actually tell his pregnant wife her arms are fat. That was insensitive. So stop judging her for being a terrible mother. She could be eating very healthy for the baby and just not be gaining weight. I feel sorry her husband is that rude about it.

_electricbonbon 0

YDI having a goldfish named Bombeesha.