Brain bleach please

By unashamed - 05/06/2014 08:11 - Australia - Ipswich

Today, an older gentleman came into my work for underwear. I helped him find his size, pulled out a pair of navy ones and he then turned to me and said, "I don't want dark colours because I can't tell if I've shit myself." He then continued looking for all the white pairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 328
You deserved it 4 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Direct him to the diaper section. Those are white...


martin8337 35

What do old people ass smell like? Depends.

he just doesnt want to be in a shitty situation

lmaoo!!! old people say the darndest things!

Never really understood why people would say "FML" to something that is clearly an FML for the person they dealt with..

it works for girls when they get their period too lmao you cant tell on dark colors >xD

squarecircles 13

I guess when some ppl reach a certain age they become too old to give a shit what other ppl think. The older you get...

lol help him out..its part of your job