Brain freeze

By IvyLeague? - 15/01/2013 02:52 - United States - Buffalo

Today, I was babysitting, and a little girl asked for help with her homework. I cheerfully began an explanation, only to freeze mid-sentence. I could not for the life of me remember how to do long-division. I'm about to graduate from Cornell University, and her little brother had to correct me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 879
You deserved it 10 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nobody above middle school can remember. You're not alone.

SApprentice 34

It's hard to remember information when you have had no reason to review it for years. Don't feel bad, OP. It happens to all of us.


Come on, are you kidding? Long division is easier than shapes and colors. It's nap time that gave me the most trouble. Having to sleep with all those cootie-infested girls. Yuk!! Give me long division any day.

Just don't let that divide you from your priorities. In addition to the situation where you are in college it may be difficult to comprehend getting help by her brother, but subtract your pride just because your mind isn't symmetrical to a forth grade student's doesn't mean you aren't smart. Don't let these feelings multiply, it's not worth it. Plus, if you managed to get into a university you have to calculate that too, never leave your successes out of the equation.

Well clearly one doesn't need long divison to graduate from university.

And you'll get to relearn it again, if you have kids yourself.

[Insert barrage of mathematical noun/adverb/adjective puns here]

Trix_Disorder 20
perdix 29

I doubt your education's going to pay big dividends for the remainder of your life.

That basically sums it up, Perdix. I always hated decimals but now I see the point. It'll be the same for you OP.

Not a big deal. Sometimes it's the easiest/simplest things we tend to forget the most recent academia.

Your teacher didn't lie that you'll use math later in life, as in helping a little girl out.

slimjim8094 12

Good thing you went to a trade school then :p /Penn student

1crabbygirl 10

Not every school can enjoy so much media attention for its "academic excellence" as Penn of late. And it has only been bolstered by your renowned athletic legacy.

45: "Penn" refers to the University of Pennsylvania, not the Pennsylvania State University. 26's comment is a typical Ivy-League dig at Cornell. And completely correct, at that.

Damn I didn't even learn that in school. Good brother she has.