
By sharon - 14/12/2011 21:21 - United States

Today, I was giving a presentation at work, when I said, "But we could care less about that." My boss asked if I meant, "Couldn't care less." Wanting to avoid embarrassment, I tried to think up an excuse, only to end up blurting that it was my phone's auto-correct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 584
You deserved it 35 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow you need to learn the difference between texting and real life


It's in those moments we wish we could ctrl + Z

Coulda just gone with it. Obviously you care some to some extent to include it in your report.


What is the big difference between the two?

I'm with you. I've re read it a million times and I don't see it.

YunoGasai_fml 7

The way they're worded makes them mean the same thing. Since he was your boss, though, I wouldn't want to correct him and I'd just play along. "I couldn't care less!" = "I do not at all have any care so it is impossible to have less care." "I really could care less." = "I don't care about it and it's not important to me whatsoever. I hardly care and I could give it even less importance." The fact that you are stating that you could care less shows how little importance it is to you. If it was important you would say something like "I do care." or "I could care more." But basically these both translate to meaning "I don't care." ...did I really just type all that out?

YunoGasai_fml 7

"I could care less." is kind of like a threat.

the phrase I could care less just says to me "I could care less, but i actually care a lot" i couldn't care less says "i don't care"

coboy 5

Whoops! Damn auto correct thing er majigger.

I empathize with you. I know what you're going through! I have to say YDI for being dishonest, but FYL for the embarrassment! I'm sorry, OP!