Brat summer

By Anonymous - 12/07/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, I went to the water park, and got in a line on a staircase to get on a waterslide. A couple of minutes in, I felt a large amount of warm liquid drip on my head. Seconds later, a crying girl was being lead down the stairs, and being told that "everyone wets themselves sometimes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 472
You deserved it 2 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it could have been worse, she could have sat on a sprinkler like i did when i was little and gotten diarrhea

Nomad609 0

There was probably more urine in the pool you know.. Some people pee in them. So...


christopherlove 0

I like the part where the little girl peed on your head.

Haha nope I most definitetly don't know how to spell probably without looking at how you spelt it and I definetly did not make it evident before that I really just do not care so in that case... Prolly prolly Helo helo Wasup wasup Ur ur W/e w/e Lol lol Gud gud And whatever else is out there I already edited and printed out this and I'm gunna show it tommorrow they're gunna laugh show me what other extreme ideals they brought up and argue. Well (notice not spelling it right) go over some finer points of it and life will go on and you'll still ridicule my grammer but please go out and point out errors in this message. Oh yes it was not they story of my life it was in the rubric I had to admit to it in the end.

You were on a waterslide. It got washed away right after douchebag.

i hav ALWAYS wanted to be peed on u r soooooooooo lucky dude!

Thank you overly liberal adults who have nothing better to do than argue with a 16 year old on the Internet I GOT AN A+ on the assignment!!!

blondiee09 0

thats disgusting. i hope the parents beat the girl at least

xXMudkipNoobXx 7

at least it washed away after the slide