Bullet dodged?

By Guy - 28/09/2015 18:49 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, my girlfriend dumped me after I told her I found out I have diabetes. She thought it was an STD and I had cheated on her. So I explained what it really was and she dumped me again because she didn't want her future children to inherit my fucked up DNA. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 700
You deserved it 2 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

From reading this, i can safely say you're better off without her.

The only ****** up DNA your kids would be inheriting would be from her


beep beep beep! Bitch inbound, I repeat, bitch inbound!

I'm certain you can find someone with slightly more intelligence and character.

So you're mad that someone is abiding by natural selection?

I bet it would feel really good to tell her you've cured your diabetes the next time you see her. Read Reverse Diabetes Now by Dr Neal Barnard.

Următoarea va avea iq-ul un pic mai mare, tot răul spre bine.

This fml is pointless and so are the comments

the hell with that idiot bitch. you dont want your children inheriting her stupid.

i have to ask... where did you find such a dumb chick so i can avoid that place completely.