Bullet dodged?

By Guy - 28/09/2015 18:49 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, my girlfriend dumped me after I told her I found out I have diabetes. She thought it was an STD and I had cheated on her. So I explained what it really was and she dumped me again because she didn't want her future children to inherit my fucked up DNA. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 700
You deserved it 2 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

From reading this, i can safely say you're better off without her.

The only ****** up DNA your kids would be inheriting would be from her


Mate... U Can't light up a fused bulb by talking to it ... Move on...

johhnyboy39 11

As a diabetic since the age of 6. **** her

makeupgirl_fml 22

Trust me when I say this, I think you were the one coming out winning from this situation. You're better off without her.

xcrunner5671 4
healthcarechick 9

**** that ignorant dumbass shallow bitch!!!! I'll date you!!!!!

Think of it this way: your children don't have to inherit her stupid brain. Works out good for you doesn't it?

hlmorg3 9

Damn. Bitch ate stupid cereal this morning. I mean really? She really is that stupid?

she had an extra bowl of stupid for breakfast?