
By ninjawhat1337 - 25/05/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I told my dad that I was going to sleep over my friend's house this weekend with a few other guys to play Dungeons and Dragons. He responded with, "Oh, back in my day, me and my pals used to pick on the kids who played Dungeons and Dragons." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 693
You deserved it 57 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dad was a douche as a kid. And clearly sees nothing wrong with it. But as long as he doesn't pick on you now, that's not really an FML.

Well, we all know the type of guy your old man is. Still, D&D is one of the more wholesome hobbies available to the young generation, enjoy yourself :D


OH ****! you play dungeons and dragons. I thought it was just a made up commercial thign that only fags played. uh oh. Maybe while your playing dungeons and dragons or d&d as one of the fags said you can pull out your star wars action figures...........ahahaahah........maybe you should go out partying and picking up girls not playing little kid games. thats actually really funny your dads cool take a hint from him and stop playing kid games...

FuzzyxPanda 0

I play D&D and oh yeah I'm a chick. I have a fiance AND a daughter. I'm 21. **** all you douche bags that think D&D is dumb. My friends and I may be geeks but so what? We probably have a more fulfilling life than you dumb twats.


Why the **** is this a FML? Your Dad's an asshole live with it. I don't play D&D but why the **** are all your idiots voting YDI.... If you enjoy it do it.... that's why Michael Jackson rapes kids.

wolfie2394 0

I play Dnd. I still remember the times when i punched the people in the face who picked on me for playing dnd. Good times

#49... thank you for quoting this! I'm with you!

Yeah, I remember picking on people who played D&D also. Wimp.

This is a pretty obvious sign that your dad got ****** in the ass by his uncle as a kid.

Your fault for playing dungeons and dragons

fuckintruck 0

Your dad lied. He really wishes he wasn't too busy sucking his gym teacher's **** to play D&D.