
By germx - 18/03/2009 04:07 - United States

Today, I was at my job in the Dean of Students office. My boss gave me some papers to copy. As I was copying, I read in a report that my boyfriend was written up for "cohabitation" (having a girl stay over) at my Catholic university. The report was from a weekend I wasn't at school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 404
You deserved it 4 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Post a copy to him with a note letting him know he's dumped :) he'd deserve it. Unless of course you've made a mistake. That's probably worth checking.


Ask him what they were doing. If he says they were "studying for a test" ask him for what class. If you don't have that class, ask him WHO exactly it was. Go up to her. If she tries to run; they did it. If she smiles when she sees you; they did it. If she acts as if you're not there; they did it. If she says "i don't know what you're talking about"; they did it. if she tells you;they didn't....or it just might be a cover story, so;they still could have done it.


Could have been his sister or his cousin....

TiffGreen 11

Time to move on and forget about that scum bag

incredared89 2

You're better off! **** losers like that!