Call the cops

By sacrophage - 28/02/2010 04:30 - Canada

Today, I discovered that my abusive, obsessive, psychotic ex-boyfriend from over two years ago still has a thing for me. How did I find out? Although I've ignored him walking unnecessarily past my house for the past two months, it was hard to ignore when he fell from a tree outside my window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 774
You deserved it 2 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope he broke something, like his neck. oh and call the cops, get a restraining order or something


My god... thats so f***ed up. call the cops? or take out a restraining order against him.

And the fact that he unnecessarily walks by your house daily didn't clue you in at all? Definately an FML, but sadly not an amusing one. I suggest restraining orders. Legal ones are a good start. If you're American, keep a loaded pistol on you and kneecap him if he gets too close - a somewhat more effective restraining order. If you're not American, find a more civilized form of self defense - restraining orders tend to piss off the ones they're filed against, and in the case of abusive-obsessive-psychotic types, pissing them off usually isn't exactly the safest thing to do in the world.

@21 nobody in America just goes around shooting people in the kneecaps. And if someone broke into your house and you had all the necessary paperwork and stuff then maybe you could shoot him. but legally you'd prolly be better off killing him!

The kneecapping thing isn't the part associated with Americans, just the handgun availability. Lots of countries don't hand out firearms as easily as they do in the US. I just suggested kneecapping because it'll do the job and the criminal case will be for lower stakes. Also, crippling someone with the mindset to be abusive is probably more painful to them than dying, so there's a bonus there, too. Also the compassionate side of me suggests dealing the minimum amount of harm to solve a solution. Last I checked, missing kneecap < death in the analysis of degree of harm. And kneecapping is severe enough to make revenge difficult, if not impossible. If a person is to be harmed, it should be to such a degree that it destroys their capacity for revenge.

PsychoMerk 0

I suggest a restraining order... and a gun :) a nice, big, shiny gun. :3

bebz_fml 0

get a sniper mounted :) and then also a glock for closer range shooting

PsychoMerk 0

yes Rosalie, druganov mounted, n .45 in your Pocket :D

to number 5 it's called a ****** slingshot!

Blackiechan85 0
facingforeverr 0
Kylias 6