
By allbrokeup - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Norway - Stavanger

Today, while I was removing my makeup with my boyfriend watching, he mentioned that he used to think girls were prettier without makeup on, but he'd now changed his mind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 929
You deserved it 3 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the plus side, make up is supposed to make you prettier, so you must be doing it right! Lol

To which you reply, "Kinda like the way I've realised size DOES matter."


**** him, I'm sure you're pretty without it :)

kirbeaar 19

It's okay, OP. I get told I look physically ill whenever I don't wear makeup.

To each their own. Make up is not good for your skin & especially your eyes. It must be cleaned off properly with make up remover to keep your skin clean before you go to bed to avoid acne & eye infections & such. Its even irritating for sensitive skin so you must find what's best for you. So when applying make up, wear it responsibly. To those who don't, it's okay but when it comes to going to work, depending on what it is, I feel like you have to compensate somehow in your appearance. It's a nice enhancer & if it fits your personality to wear it, it looks great. It just tells people who you are. If you feel self conscious work with a little each time & just build up to what you're willing to wear all the time. I'm sure everyone looks great with at least lip gloss. My skin is clear so I don't wear foundation or concealer. But I feel like lipstick & eye make up does wonders for my appearance, compliments my outfit & hair color shows people I care about how I look. Being artsy, I like some make up just not a lot.

Oh my god what an arsehole. Next time he asks for a bj, clamp your teeth down on his red end and shake your head about. Works, trust. :)

Either you're trolling, or you are a complete psycho. I hope it's the former, because the idea of people seriously thinking the way you is rather frightening. If you tell your boyfriend that he's getting rather fat or another petty slight, would it be okay for him to start biting chunks out of your ladyparts as revenge?

Tell him... That you used to think not all men are assholes but you clearly changed your mind now

Wow your boyfriend is an asshole.! He'd be single if he was with me

Tell him that you always thought makeup would look ridiculous on a man, but in his case, it would clearly be an improvement.

Derpylicious 3

The solution is simple. Leave him.

winkydog4056 16

Guys, size DOES matter. Make-up is to accentuate your features. When applied correctly, One does not need to look like a clown. And whoever said make-up is bad for your skin, some are & some aren't.

rmkangas 5

I'm a guy and I think girls look better without makeup.