Carpe diem
By Username - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

By Username - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
dog in heat lmfaoo is that even possible?
Little miss Hubbard Went until the cupboard To fetch her poor dig a bone But when she bent over Rover took over And gave her a bone if her own
into not until**** lol damn iPhones
And dog not dig bah!!! I wish you could modify your posts lol.
omg epic!
lololol OP likes forced ***********... XD
you and me baby aint nothin but mammals so lets do it like they do on the discovery channel..
Agreed. OP, don't be a tease. YDI and your dog is brilliant.
he saw an open portal and said to himself. **** it
you could just say thats what she said throughout the whole FML
oh shut up, at least you finally got some. be happy:)
Did the ball hump you so hard you shit yourself, OP? O.O
210: thats what he said ruins the joke
yeah but clearly look retarded from your picture so OP'd understand
OP's not a guy I hope...
nice 246, but then again, don't that happen with most couples?
yessss! win.
Your Dog & Co. putting the 'dog' in doggy style since 1989
Tell your boyfriend to get self control ;).
You're disgusting, 171. =_=U
why did his balls roll under the couch?
it was a trap
did shit actually come out??
awww it likes her ;)
the dog=WIN!!!
Sounds like Zack and Miri Make a Porno.
primal instincts... if it bothers you that much, have him fixed
for some dogs being fixed stops that habit, at least with my friend's 170lb great dane
lol at 81 for thinking humping is a habit!
dude cutting of thier balls gets rid of testosterone; the sex hormone so no testosterone=less thought. if we had our balls cut off we would have less desire if any at all
your pic is scary sir... but so are ghosts…
lmao @ cheese grating accident!
It's nothing sexual. It's about DOMINANCE. My 130 pound Bullmastiff sometimes still tries to hump me when we're playing, and he's been neutered for 3 years.
^^ win ^^
^^ Draw ^^
53 LOL draw. clever
hey, if its down its rapeable (: ahahah
lmao! Charlie Sheen Win!
5: I hope someone feels the same when you pass out at a party.
bahahahahahaha xDDDDD
I wouldn't rape that I feel like the stds would melt my penis upon entry
or else op wouldn't give his dog the doggie position.... if us humans like it, WTF is a dog going think when it sees it?? duhr!
You sick bitch!
I'm referring to OP...
14 I watched my cousins' bitch hump legs, it's bed, their soft toys and just about anything else. Don't tell me it isn't possible.
my cousins dog humped her face. it's also a chick dog. so. yea.
so ur the 1 in this pic nice
129- Word of the day references are AMAZING!! Thank you :)
Good catch...
haha! very nice! and perfect timing!
bet u liked it:P
u know what bitch? im not gonna take any offense cuz u obviously dont know me so....**** off
I'm surprised that some one didn't get moderated.
I don't think people are ever really racist against indians. ps I'd hit it
actually, thats not true. theres a lot of people that hate indians for no good reason, and people always joke around with me about how im their "favorite indian" or how im the only "normal indian" but i also hear atleast one racist comment a usually not this mean but im having a bad day sooo... the thing is, people like to pick on others who are different to make themselves feel better, which is just sad...
Foreigners that rap and play piano are kickass! If you got videos send me links, homeslice. Please and thank you.
lol i'll try;D
people are soo meaaaan. I'm sorry!!
haha thnx, but its all good, racists aint got SHIT on me;)
what? who are you talking to...
Holy shit you got a dp up!!! Chick musicians kick ass, so added to your already totaled cool points you are now ranked under "legit shit"
haha thnx;) wait so u didnt know i was a girl before?
Don't trick your dog by getting into the doggy style position?
Don't lie. you enjoyed it.