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Cat Burglar!

By Aimee Lutz - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, I found my lost cat. As I was hooking it up to a leash to get it in my car, a man approached and asked what I was doing. His kids alerted him that there was a woman stealing their cat from their front lawn. It was not my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 412
You deserved it 1 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you sure it wasn't just that your cat lives several different lives with other people as their cat?

Depending on how long it’s been gone, maybe it was your cat but they claimed it. It happened to my cat as a child.


First of all who puts a leash on a cat?? ??

ectheidiot 8

People who lose it so they can't escape

Are you sure it wasn't just that your cat lives several different lives with other people as their cat?

Depending on how long it’s been gone, maybe it was your cat but they claimed it. It happened to my cat as a child.

Little Richard 11

If you can't recognise your cart, then you probably shouldn't have one.

You'd be surprised how similar cats can look. Our vet even said that she couldn't tell orange cats apart.

That's because your vert only sees each cat once per year, or when they're ill. If you see your cat every day, you should be able to recognize it.