Caturday surprise!

By Cats...FML - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, it's my sister's birthday. My parents got her a cat. I have serious allergies when it comes to cats. When I brought this issue up with my parents, they replied, "This day is not about you, it's about your sister." I can feel my throat tightening already. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 610
You deserved it 3 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On your birthday ask for something your parents are allergic to.

What the **** is wrong with parents these days?! Its FMLs like this that make me sooo angry. I think it is safe to assume that with such neglegent parents, you don't have an epipen or an inhaler, so when you can no longer breathe, make sure you call 911- bypass your parents entirely- and take a nice little trip to the ER. Tell the paramedics and doctors WHY you cant breathe. And enjoy your stay. Your lovely parents can foot the bill ;)


XxDancerGirlxX 17

Allergy medications. Comes in all forms; pills, shots, etc. Take it and shut the **** up! Seriously though, it would be different if your parents didn't know about your allergies, bur they knew and still got the cat?! FYL.

If you are over 18 take this as a sign that your parents want you to move out.

sorry but my sister has a cat allergy too but that doesn't stop me for having cats and never will

One, that comment makes you sound really insensative and bitchy. Two, obviously her allergy is not as servere as OP's.

You sound like a complete bitch. If I were your sister, I would cut you out of my life entirely.

picklemonger 13

Yes, but just think about how bad your sister will feel when the cat allergy will put you in the emergency room and she will have to give up the cat.

Well if you die (hopefully you won't) you can put in your will that your parents basically killed you

You should be put in a foster home because your parents must be really retarded

im alergic to cats but i love them and i have three. i just take tablets alot haha

cristalduhh 5

I ******* hate cats. I suggest you go for a ride and take it with you... tie it down to your local rail road tracks. problem solved (: