Caught wet-handed

By Anonymous - 23/10/2015 20:10 - Canada - Fredericton

Today, I walked in on my best friend with his hand down my girlfriend's pants and her moaning for him to "keep going." She had the brass balls to claim she had a "tummy ache" and that he was just rubbing her stomach better. I may be a total dumbass, but I'm not THAT stupid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 270
You deserved it 2 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your best friend's about to get a ******** ache that she'll have to rub better, right?

I'll never understand the logic behind cheating. Why not just leave the person if you want to be with someone else? Move on from them. You don't need people like that in your life.


Maaaan, I just don't understand people sometimes...

ber4fun 23

there's nothing to understand because it doesn't make sense.

brklynzwolf 14

You're a bitch if you stay with her!

brklynzwolf 14

Damn that was harsh! What I meant to say was Move on your better without them both!

backdoorman010 9
backdoorman010 9

I agree with you. you are sexy

You seem like a bitch lol. Obviously OP isn't going to stay with her.

Why is it always the best friend and gf/bf? I thought those were two people you were supposed to be able to trust... I'm sorry OP, that really sucks.

Vaginabutter 15

Likely it's because that are around most so have the opportunity and more likely to get caught. There's also a natural trust that you wouldn't think either would do that to you.

I hope she's your ex girlfriend now and maybe he's your ex best friend, too. Sorry OP.

I would say thank you to the friend for showing you that she is a cheating ho and then then get rid of both of them.

tiger820 20
TAntobella 14

What about his male best friend? His "bro"? Why blaming the girlfriend only?

TAntobella 14

Just dump them both. And by the way, the biggest cheater here is your best friend. Partners can be temporary, a best friend is someone who has supposely earned your trust over time. There is a big degree of loyalty in real friendship. His betrayal is unforgivable.