Caught wet-handed

By Anonymous - 23/10/2015 20:10 - Canada - Fredericton

Today, I walked in on my best friend with his hand down my girlfriend's pants and her moaning for him to "keep going." She had the brass balls to claim she had a "tummy ache" and that he was just rubbing her stomach better. I may be a total dumbass, but I'm not THAT stupid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 270
You deserved it 2 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your best friend's about to get a ******** ache that she'll have to rub better, right?

I'll never understand the logic behind cheating. Why not just leave the person if you want to be with someone else? Move on from them. You don't need people like that in your life.


W..T..F. she really thought you were that stupid. Shit I'd knock his ass the **** out and then throw her out on her ass with all her shit right behind her.

Yeah the only course of action i see is kick his ass, then find a new best friend and girl friend