Chance encounter

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my cat ran outside. As I ran around the side of my house to get her, I felt a gigantic spiderweb land on my face. I also felt a light thud on my eye and it started to tear up. I ran inside and looked in a mirror, the spider was in my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 248
You deserved it 3 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loveisalie2 0

Oh god that is really disgusting. Hope you got it out. Reminds me of that chick who had a larvae growing in her eyelid. Eww!


holy crap!!! i hope you got that shit outta there!!

alliemi 0

Wow, that REALLY sucks. Especially considering you were trying to get your cat back in the house. Hope the spider wasn't poisonous...

...unless you're a fighter-pilot, annnnnnnnnd the spider's toxins, as it bit your eye caused you to *lose* that eye... *about* this post... The extraneous liquids in your eye likely crippled and/or ended up causing the death of this insec... err, *arachnid*. If you're posting FML's over a thing you don't even have to necessarily *cry*... you could just *blink* really hard... to end your ah, 'suffering'...? Surely there's an arachnophobe site somewhere. I'm sorry you're afraid of spiders and you got a spider in your eye. It's not your fault, you don't deserve it, and it's not eff your life. It happens. Next!

annamg 0

Eww, that made my eyes tear up just reading that...

Took the words right out of my mouth. OP, that's terrible.

kuyakhris 0
thefame18 0

Holy ******* shit. That is probably the worst thing I have ever heard. Damn, I would have freaked the hell out. FYL.

fmyoptical 0

oh my God. this is terrible!!! I am so sorry. :(

Holy shit, that's horrible!! i feel so bad for you D: !! FYL. I can't imagine that happening to me, and i really hope it never happens. It has happened to me lots of times with some sort of big fat flies called ''pegones'' (i don't know how the are called like in english), but those flies go away as soon as they touch the eye or as you move...but spiders?.. damn....