Chance encounter

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my cat ran outside. As I ran around the side of my house to get her, I felt a gigantic spiderweb land on my face. I also felt a light thud on my eye and it started to tear up. I ran inside and looked in a mirror, the spider was in my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 248
You deserved it 3 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loveisalie2 0

Oh god that is really disgusting. Hope you got it out. Reminds me of that chick who had a larvae growing in her eyelid. Eww!


This sort of happened to a friend of mine. One of her guy friends flicked a cockroach at her it landed on her eye, then it crawled under eyelid to the back of her eye. i can't remember what happened, she got it out though.

i totally agree with #20. oh my god!! >_< poor friend of yours!

Jenspaztic 0

i'm pretty sure its not possible for a cockroach to crawl behind someone's eye. alien cockroach maybe. regular roach getting stuck in her eye sure. But unless it was the worlds most flat roach if "your friend" blinked the bug should have come out, not gone under they're eyelid. if so what did they do? sit there and hold their eye lid up and wait for the bug to go in?

You underestimate the power of a cockroach, it was years ago you don't have to believe me, i don't care but no she didn't wait for it. And if they can survive nuclear blast then they can ******* crawl behind someone's eye if they want to.

Jenspaztic 0

it could have gotten behind her eye lid but stuff cant physically go behind your eye.

Jenspaztic 0

even contacts can't go ALL the way BEHIND your eye. ask a doctor.

this is th most disturbing image ever, i feel so sorry for you :(

well_this_sucks 0

that happened to me when i was little. except it was like a fly i think.

I hate spiders. Therefore, fyl for having an eyeful

Erm, Wouldn't you automatically brush everything off? before running to a mirror? 0_O

Goddamnit, you just scared me outta ever going outside again. I've always been afraid that this would happen, but I didn't know it really could happen.

whyme_ss 0

omfgomfgomfg shittttt i wold neer leave the house wait how big was it? like ik it couldnt be huge to fit in ur eye but was it like tiny or decent?