Chance encounter

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my cat ran outside. As I ran around the side of my house to get her, I felt a gigantic spiderweb land on my face. I also felt a light thud on my eye and it started to tear up. I ran inside and looked in a mirror, the spider was in my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 248
You deserved it 3 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loveisalie2 0

Oh god that is really disgusting. Hope you got it out. Reminds me of that chick who had a larvae growing in her eyelid. Eww!


melonsmasherrr 0

HOLY ******* SHIT I would have stabbed my eye or something. I amDEATHLY afraid of spiders.

hassenpfeffermmm 0

ydi for trying to keep your cat locked away from the world never letting it outside. If you weren't so worried about keeping kitty from being happy, this would have never happened.

you guys are all a bunch of *******'s a good thing you all didn't show up in jamestown, we'd still be paying tax on british tea...(prediction - 9 out of 10 of you have no idea what jamestown is, let alone its significance)

teenage_messup 0

Don't worry OP. Once I was walking and a fly dropped dead and fell in my eye. It was gross.. 

Ladyberry 0

dang , thats crazy hope you still can see. Lls'

ugh.. as I was reading this.. in bed.. in the dark, a bit of dust got in my eye.. I screamed..

ewww that's disgusting!!I'm EXTREMELY sorry for you

I would of cries I have a huge fear if spiders