Chance encounter

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my cat ran outside. As I ran around the side of my house to get her, I felt a gigantic spiderweb land on my face. I also felt a light thud on my eye and it started to tear up. I ran inside and looked in a mirror, the spider was in my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 248
You deserved it 3 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loveisalie2 0

Oh god that is really disgusting. Hope you got it out. Reminds me of that chick who had a larvae growing in her eyelid. Eww!


cactus_fml 0

EW. This is the grossest FML. and ******* EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW at #14 that is the nastiest thing I've ever heard ever. I have to go puke. D: Ew.

that's so gross I feel so sorry for you. One time a moth flew into my freind's mouth *barfs*

O shit fsdbgjkafsd thats Nasty!!!!! O god I hate spiders n stuff and their web is gross cuase the spider is always on the web

If you became a spiderman,please sent me a email,thanks.

One of the potential things that makes me REALLY glad that I wear glasses. Though I did get an insect (bee or fly, don't remember which) caught behind the lens once. I freaked out. FYL, definitely. I have enough issues when I try to wear contacts. I can't imagine having a spider. And that cockroach thing also made me want to puke. That's just horrible and disgusting and... blah.

well at least the spider couldnt have been too large if you didnt know it was there until you looked in the mirror. im not saying you deserved it but i wouldnt really say thats an FML.

"Today, my cat ran outside. As I ran around the side of my house to get her" The moral of the story: Don't chase pussy; make it come to you!

ergo_fml 13